What is Just?

The distinction between the three principles sounds obvious, but when to apply which principle and when might several strategies need to be combined?

Everyone should start with the principle of equality. “It applies whenever there is no good reason to treat people differently,” Erlinger explains. But if there is, the need and/or contribution principle come into play.

So it’s a matter of finding the right mix. An example: For the history test, all students have one hour. One student gets an extra 15 minutes because he sprained his right hand during sports and therefore can’t write as quickly.

The victim role

But what if you yourself become a victim of injustice? If the boss refuses the deserved promotion or the partner complains to others about your own male laziness, although you have just cleaned the basement?

Here, it is important not to immediately quit your job or throw your partner out the door. It’s always worth pausing to think first – maybe the other person is right and the “unfair” treatment isn’t really unfair at all.

However, if you are absolutely sure that something is unfair, you should defend yourself against it. Swallowing your frustration or crying to your friends won’t help and will only harm your health. A respectful conversation can be enough to solve the problem.

Even if people know each other well, no one can see inside the other person’s head and guess their feelings. So always explain why you feel unfairly treated, perhaps the other has never seen the matter from a different point of view. However, defending yourself is unfortunately not always useful.

Accept injustice?

In some situations, things simply can’t be equally fair for everyone involved. Then it’s simply a matter of accepting the unchangeable. American philosopher John Rawls once put it this way: “Injustice is tolerable only if it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice.” And for those who can’t come to terms with it, a small consolation: “Life is unfair, but remember: not always to your disadvantage.” (John F. Kennedy)