Duration of sick leave | Operation of a furuncle

Duration of sick leave

How long the doctor gives the patient sick leave after the procedure varies greatly. It depends on the size, location of the wound and hygienic conditions at the workplace. A larger wound, which is not covered at first for better healing, must of course be treated with great care. Keeping the wound clean after the operation has the highest priority.

Is anesthesia necessary for a boil surgery?

The inflamed skin is very sensitive to pain, therefore an anesthetic is required for such an operation. Depending on the localization it is usually done with a regional anesthesia. The doctor injects a so-called local anesthetic near the site of the procedure.

The numbness may persist even after the procedure. Therefore, it is best to be picked up and not to operate a vehicle. If general anesthesia is necessary, an anesthesiologist must be present to monitor the patient’s vital signs during the surgical procedure. Even in the recovery room, the patient is under constant observation and is only discharged when complications due to the anesthesia can be ruled out.

Outpatient or inpatient?

If the wound is to be treated by the patient himself, a hospital stay for follow-up treatment is not necessary. Nevertheless, one should leave the practice or hospital after the procedure, if possible accompanied. The most important thing is to strictly observe the prescribed hygienic measures. Should fever or chills develop, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor, as this can lead to life-threatening blood poisoning.