Air in the Belly: What to Do?

The feeling of air in the stomach manifests itself in abdominal pain, flatulence and a feeling of fullness. Often, the discomfort occurs after a substantial meal. Sometimes, however, air in the belly can also be the symptom of a disease. What causes there are and what you can do about it, reveals this article.

Natural causes of air in the belly

Air in our stomach and intestines is quite normal, as the entire gastrointestinal tract is a hollow organ. When we eat quickly, it can happen that we swallow a lot of air, which is perceived as unpleasant – you feel “bloated”. The physiological bacteria of the intestinal flora, such as the lactobacilli and bifidocci, also produce air in the intestine. Their task is to break down the food pulp. In the process, digestive gases are produced. How much air is produced during the digestion process depends on the composition of the food and how easy or difficult it is to digest. Foods with a lot of fiber, such as grains, are hardly broken down by stomach acid and enter the colon almost undigested, which means there is more for the intestinal bacteria to do. Normally, the resulting air is simply exhaled, enters the blood or is excreted via the rectum, which sometimes manifests itself as flatulence. At the latest half an hour after its formation, the air has left the body again in the above-mentioned ways. However, if the intestinal passage is disturbed, the air accumulates and causes abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness.

What is the cause of a lot of air in the intestines?

The natural bacterial flora of the intestine can easily become unbalanced. Because of its direct contact with the outside world, the intestines are often the first point of attack for infections. To ward them off, intestinal bacteria exert a barrier function. If this is weakened, bacteria foreign to the body can multiply. These “bad” bacteria produce fermentation and putrefactive gases, causing abdominal pain and diarrhea. The intestinal flora can also be unbalanced by certain medications, poor nutrition and chronic diseases. In the case of the latter, one should think especially of a dysfunction of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Dangerous and sudden is intestinal obstruction (ileus). It may be accompanied by vomiting and abdominal pain. Food intolerances can also cause air in the abdomen. Such intolerances cause severe digestive discomfort, abdominal pain and nausea. Intolerances to gluten, fructose, and lactose are common.

Bloating belly due to poor diet

Anyone who frequently experiences discomfort due to air in the abdomen should consult a doctor. Since there are many different causes of air in the abdomen, some tests must be performed. First, it should be researched whether certain eating habits might be causing the problem. Fatty food, especially fast food, often leads to air accumulation in the intestines, as the large amount of fatty acids is processed into intestinal gases. However, even supposedly healthy foods, such as raw vegetables or whole grain products, can easily cause bloating due to the fiber they contain.

Examination of the flatulent abdomen

Before invasive examinations are performed, the abdomen should first be palpated and listened to. Bowel sounds can already provide information about whether there is a lot of air in the abdomen. A rectal examination is also necessary to ensure that no constricting processes of the rectum are overlooked. To rule out organic causes, a blood count must be taken. The values checked provide information about the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas, among other things. It can also be determined whether inflammation is present. A stool examination can reveal an infection with parasites or bacteria. Careful attention should be paid to the presence of blood in the stool, as this can be an indication of serious diseases such as colon cancer. An imaging examination will reveal structural changes in the gastrointestinal tract. This may include ultrasound, colonoscopy or computed tomography. If food intolerance is suspected, an appropriate test can be performed.

Air in the stomach – what to do?

  1. Reconsider diet: avoid foods that cause flatulence, such as raw vegetables or fatty meats. Carbonated drinks are also not recommended.Eat five small meals a day, drink at least two liters a day and take your time eating.
  2. Exercise expels air from the intestines: a short walk after a meal stimulates digestion and facilitates the removal of air. Relaxation exercises such as yoga and autogenic training can also help with hyperinflation.
  3. Warmth: A warm cherry pit bag or a hot water bottle on the stomach soothe an overtaxed intestine. The heat is also good for abdominal pain.
  4. Helpful herbs: herbal teas such as caraway, fennel, anise and chamomile have a decongestant effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Seek medical advice: If all does not help, you should consult a doctor. Prolonged gastrointestinal complaints must be clarified to exclude organic causes.

Treatment of air in the stomach

If home remedies and dietary changes do not work, medication can also help with air in the belly. For example, defoaming preparations taken in the form of chewable tablets. Spasmolytic and prokinetic medications help with cramped intestinal muscles. If there are underlying organic causes, these must be eliminated. This may mean taking vitamin or enzyme replacement supplements to help the damaged organ function properly. In the case of intolerance, a change in diet may be necessary to avoid ingestion of the substance causing the complaint.