Spring Goal Marathon

When the new year begins and spring is just around the corner, many people start jogging training, because running in nature is simply fun! Breathe in fresh air, shape the body and promote health at the same time – if you follow certain rules, you can do something good for your body and yourself with … Spring Goal Marathon

Jogging in Winter: 7 Hot Tips

Jogging is healthy, because it trains the cardiovascular system. In addition, a lot of calories are burned while running: So regular jogging is not only fun, but also slim over time. Running outdoors is possible all year round, whatever the weather. Nevertheless, you should follow a few rules when jogging in winter. We have compiled … Jogging in Winter: 7 Hot Tips

Air in the Belly: What to Do?

The feeling of air in the stomach manifests itself in abdominal pain, flatulence and a feeling of fullness. Often, the discomfort occurs after a substantial meal. Sometimes, however, air in the belly can also be the symptom of a disease. What causes there are and what you can do about it, reveals this article. Natural … Air in the Belly: What to Do?

Gout Diet Guideline

Gout, one of today’s common diseases, is associated with an unbalanced diet rich in meat and alcohol consumption. Along with other diseases, gout is one of the manifestations of rheumatism. A targeted healthy diet can positively influence the course of gout and even reduce symptoms of this rheumatic disease. But what to eat for gout … Gout Diet Guideline

Diet for Cancer: What to Watch Out For?

Many people with cancer want to play an active role in improving their health and do something themselves for their well-being and recovery. Nutrition plays a significant role in this. For example, it can prevent the weight loss and subsequent malnutrition that are common during cancer and alleviate the side effects of therapy. There is … Diet for Cancer: What to Watch Out For?

Waking Coma (Apallic Syndrome)

In a waking coma or apallic syndrome, the affected person cannot eat, cannot drink, and has little to no communication. Still, they sleep and some respond to stimuli. However, many never fully awaken from their twilight sleep. Eyes open, facial expressions frozen in a mixture of astonishment and disinterest, unable to move or make any … Waking Coma (Apallic Syndrome)

Herpangina Symptoms

Herpangina, also called Zahorsky’s disease, primarily affects children. Your child or baby has a fever and blisters in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, but no bad breath? He feels nauseous and has abdominal pain? Especially in summer and autumn, children and babies are affected by this usually harmless viral infection. The disease is described quite well … Herpangina Symptoms

Fit and Active Into Spring

When the sun and its warmth beckon, we are drawn back out into nature and to sporting activities. Unfortunately, we are often not used to exercise at all due to the winter months, feeling tired and weary. But this is not enough of an excuse – you can do something about it! Lame after the … Fit and Active Into Spring