Physiotherapy for children with swelling of lymph nodes

Physiotherapy for swelling of children’s lymph nodes is usually used when the swelling of the lymph nodes is the result of a more serious illness or sports injury and the swelling does not subside on its own after a few weeks. For the physiotherapist, the treatment of children is a special challenge because the little patients are still very different from adults. Before treatment, it is important that the exact cause of the lymph node swelling is known so that it can be taken into account and, if possible, treated as well. Only in this way can physiotherapy ensure long-term success. The following articles may also be of interest to you:

  • Inflamed lymph nodes
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Manual lymph drainage


Physiotherapy for swollen lymph nodes is mainly used when the swollen lymph nodes also cause swelling in other regions and the lymph drainage is impaired. Swollen lymph nodes in children with an infection usually do not require treatment and disappear on their own once the infection has subsided. Lymph node swelling associated with sports injuries, lymphedema and other underlying diseases can also be treated in children by manual lymph drainage as part of physiotherapy.

Lymph drainage is a form of therapy that is intended to stimulate the lymph flow and thus stimulate the removal of excess tissue fluid and harmful substances. This can reduce local swelling and alleviate infections. The treatment also puts the patient in a state of relaxation.

During the treatment, the therapist uses various grip techniques to apply gentle pressure to different parts of the body, thus activating the lymphatic system. Especially with children it is important to proceed very sensitively. Usually the parents are present at the first therapy session until the child has gained confidence in the therapist. The treating physiotherapist should not be distracted during the treatment and, if possible, explain the treatment steps to the child so that the child feels safe. In some cases, exercises or homework can also be taken home as part of the physiotherapy if the lymph node swelling was caused by a sports injury, for example.