Benedict Herb

Benedicte herb is native to the Mediterranean region, but has been introduced to many areas of the world. The drug material for medicinal use comes mainly from Eastern Europe, Spain and Italy. Herbal medicine uses the aerial parts of the plant (Cnici benedicti herba).

Benedict herb: characteristics

Benedicte herb is an annual, low plant that grows up to 60 centimeters high. Very reminiscent of thistles, the plant bears hairy, lobed leaves, the edge of the leaf runs into small thorns. Furthermore, the plant forms small flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts, which consist exclusively of yellow tubular flowers.

Due to the heavy hairiness of the plant, the cut drug consists of many pieces glued together. One can see numerous long hairs and single yellowish tubular flowers. In addition, leaves with spiny edges and broad stem pieces occur.

Odor and taste of benedict herb.

Benedicte herb is relatively odorless. The taste of the herb is very bitter.