Benedict Herb

Benedicte herb is native to the Mediterranean region, but has been introduced to many areas of the world. The drug material for medicinal use comes mainly from Eastern Europe, Spain and Italy. Herbal medicine uses the aerial parts of the plant (Cnici benedicti herba). Benedict herb: characteristics Benedicte herb is an annual, low plant that … Benedict Herb

Benedicte Herb: Dosage

Benedicte herb is suitable for ingestion in the form of tea, in commerce the drug is included, for example, in some bile–liver tea mixtures. In addition, extracts of Benedicte herb also occur in several combination preparations of the group of liver-biliary remedies. Benedicte herb dosage The average daily dose is four to six grams of … Benedicte Herb: Dosage

Benedicte Herb: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Benedicte herb belongs to the daisy family. As the most important ingredients are found in particular bitter substances, flavonoids, triterpne, essential oils and very many minerals such as potassium and magnesium. In medicine, the contained plant active substances are used as cholagogue and amarum. Occurrence and cultivation of the Benedicte herb. The relatively odorless and … Benedicte Herb: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits