Bruise and Strain: Symptoms

The signs of all blunt injuries are pain, swelling, bruising and restricted movement – varying in severity depending on the form and severity of the injury. Bruises and strains, however, can cause different symptoms. We present these to you below.

Pain as a sign of bruises and strains

Bruises are particularly painful. Sometimes they cause more discomfort than if there is a fracture in the corresponding place; a typical example here is the rib contusion.

The pain is a result of soft-tissue swelling, often accompanied by bruising, in which the skin swells and turns blue or purple but does not tear. An injury is not always visible from the outside, especially if deeper vessels are involved – treacherous and especially dangerous if the bruise affects internal organs, for example. In bruising, as well as in straining, pressure and strain trigger pain.

Bruises and sports

Very unpleasant, but among the common sports injuries is a bruise of the muscles, because the bruise is formed between the individual fibers. Severe pain, inability to move or paralysis of the affected body part can be the result. In some cases, muscle hardening occurs.

Some sports, such as handball or soccer, carry a high risk of what is known as horse foot, a painful bruise of the thigh. On the other hand, volleyball players often suffer a bruise on the knee. Contusions to the foot, back or shoulder also often happen during sports and sometimes cause an effusion in the joint. Bruises of the bones are associated with great pain, but they subside relatively quickly.

On the other hand, the high sensitivity of the skin remains longer. Since the symptoms of contusion and fracture can be very similar, the latter must always be ruled out by a specialist.

Strains: Symptoms

While contusions occur as a result of impacts or blows, strains are usually the result of rapid, jerky movements. There is overstretching of the individual muscle fibers and damage to the connective tissue. Strains also usually happen during sports, especially if warm-up training is neglected. Strains of the thigh or calf are particularly common.

The strain causes sudden onset, stabbing pain. The painful restriction of movement is most apparent when using the affected body part and prevents stretching of the muscle in the case of a muscle strain, or movement of the joint in the case of a ligament strain.

The pain may disappear completely at rest, for example, in the case of the ligament strain. The bruise may be visible or palpable as induration. Here it also depends on the severity of the strain:

  • A mild strain of the calf, for example, causes only minor discomfort during exertion, which feels like a cramp.
  • If individual fibers are torn, immediately reports a sharp pain, the bruise becomes visible after a few days.
  • If the strain involves several fibers or even bundles, every movement hurts.