Gas in Babies & Children – Prevention

Warm compresses and compresses on the stomach are also recommended: they relax and promote blood circulation.

Some children benefit from decongestant drops. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about this.

According to the latest findings, breastfeeding mothers do not have to avoid certain foods to prevent flatulence in babies. However, sensitive breastfed babies may experience bloating if the mother has eaten flatulent foods such as cabbage or pulses. These foods should then be avoided.

Warm aniseed, fennel and caraway tea (unsweetened) also help against flatulence.

With older children, you should make sure that your child:

  • swallows less air,
  • does not chew gum
  • eats slowly and in a relaxed atmosphere,
  • avoids hard-to-digest, flatulent foods,
  • does not consume carbonated drinks.