Buying Shoes: What is Good for Feet and Legs

They do what we want them to do: They lift, they lower, they stretch. And they carry us over 160,000 km in the course of a lifetime. They are marvels of nature and ingenious all-rounders: our feet. They enable us to run, walk and jump. They carry our body, help to hold it and move it. Some of us take over 5 million steps every year – no, not marathon runners, but ordinary housewives.

Record-breaking performance

We set records with our feet every day. But there are consequences: Feet itch, burn, swell. Most of us know too little about our feet and put them through too much. Standing and sitting for hours, walking on flat and hard floors, running in shoes that are too tight. High-heeled and pointed shoes make the sole of the shoe a slippery slope. The toes are squashed, calluses and corns form, hammertoes and bunions develop. Blood circulation becomes worse, leading to varicose veins.

Good shoes – bad shoes

We asked Dr. Ernst Altenpohl, President of the German Vein League e.V. and experienced vein specialist and surgeon: are there actually shoes that are good for the feet and legs? “Maybe we’ll put it negatively at first: All shoes in which feet don’t have good support, i.e., which don’t support the foot, don’t give it a chance to roll, and in which the ball of the foot is too narrow, don’t do the feet any good and also restrict vein function and blood circulation.” Dr. Altenpohl: “If you wear evening shoes with heels, that’s no problem, but permanently the veins take damage. This also applies to the so-called loafers. One must not forget however also a good posture for the load effect. If you slouch, you put additional strain on your veins.” Shoes and stockings should also never constrict or constrict the legs, because all tight constrictions in the calves, ankles and feet cause blood to back up in the veins. As a result, fluid is forced out of the vessels and into the tissues. Venous edema can then develop.

High heels – bad heels

  • Flat footwear ensures that the foot can roll better, which in turn improves the function of the calf muscle pump. High-heeled shoes should therefore be worn only in exceptional cases. Because any heel is unnatural, is unhealthy. If you stand in a straight, natural posture, about 90 percent of your body weight is distributed on the strong heel bone and 10 percent on the ball of your foot and toes. With high heels, there is a shift of weight to the ball of the foot.
  • High heels turn any shoe into a slippery slope. The toes are squeezed into the narrow toe and bent unnaturally upwards. The muscles contract and cramp. The important toe muscles become fixed in an extended position. The heel joint buckles laterally and simultaneously stiffens against natural flexion. The pelvis tilts forward, forcing the spine into a hollow back, no longer allowing the head to be carried freely. Possible consequences: Arthrosis in the foot, knee and hip joints.
  • Venous disorders also have, with a few exceptions, their cause in the bending of the foot inward. Since only a small amount of muscle activity is exercised in the foot, the inner leg muscles also remain largely untrained when walking. The muscle pressure on the venous vein system fails, congestion occurs. The veins are no longer relieved. This is the beginning of varicose veins.

When buying shoes pay attention to some points

  • Do not buy too tight, small shoes. The toes should have enough room to move forward in any shoe.
  • If possible, buy your shoes in the evening hours, because the foot expands during the day.
  • When buying shoes, look for breathable, natural materials. These provide a comfortable foot climate. Only genuine leather breathes and provides a healthy, comfortable foot climate.
  • The footbed should allow a natural rolling movement when walking.

Joy of walking …

For most, it does not exist. Any walk, any kind of walking or running is too painful and burdensome for them. And yet, exercise is the best therapy! Take running, for example. Running is possible without much effort at any time in almost any place. But: Go slowly and carefully on the track. Tip for beginners: run for one to two minutes, then walk loosely for two minutes, then run again.The body must first get used to the movement again. Slowly increase the duration of the run. The motto: moderate but regular.

Do not neglect – feet do hard work every day

A quarter of all our bones belong to our feet – each foot is made up of 28 bones, 114 ligaments and 20 muscles. The heel bones alone bear half our weight, and each ball of the foot another quarter. Even an unathletic person treads the earth with his feet about ten million times in his lifetime. Nevertheless, you won’t find any equipment in any fitness center that does anything especially good for the feet. It hardly occurs to anyone to take a closer look at their feet. Only when they hurt or get sick do we pay attention to them.

Many sick feet

So it’s no surprise that nine out of ten Germans have sick feet. One in four also suffers from venous weakness in the legs with the risk of varicose veins, swollen and open legs. Many nerve pathways end at the soles of the feet. Those who take care of their feet are therefore doing something for the whole organism. Conversely, if you neglect your feet, you harm your entire body. Damaged feet not only hinder locomotion, they can also cause pain in the knees and back. The spine is incorrectly loaded, and the heart and circulation are affected. Sick feet can even cause headaches. But it is not that complicated to do something good for your feet. Very important: walk barefoot as often as possible. Each step without shoes and stockings massages the sole, and the foot muscles are optimally supplied with blood. Anyone with a tendency to varicose veins should see a vein specialist (phlebologist) at an early stage.