Can you get infected by kissing? | Fever blisters are so infectious

Can you get infected by kissing?

The herpes simplex viruses are transmitted by a smear infection through physical contact. Therefore, kissing is a particularly easy way to get infected with fever blisters. The viruses can also be transmitted to the partner during unprotected sexual intercourse and lead to infection. For these reasons, body contact and the shared use of cutlery or glasses should be avoided during the entire duration of the fever blister.

Are fever blisters contagious if you have never had them before?

More than 90% of people are infected with the herpes simplex virus. However, not every person who carries the virus will experience an acute outbreak of the disease. More than 80% of those infected do not form fever blisters, even when the virus is active.

If you have never had lip herpes, there is a chance that you are one of the few percent of the population who do not carry the virus. Nevertheless, even these people can get infected with fever blisters. So in any case it is better not to take any risk and to avoid direct skin contact with a person who has a fever blister.