Cardiogenic Shock: Complications

The following are the major conditions or complications that may be contributed to by cardiogenic shock:

Symptoms and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified (R00-R99).

  • Multi-organ failure (MODS, multi-organ dysfunction syndrome; MOF: multiple organ failure) – simultaneous or sequential failure or severe functional impairment of various vital organ systems of the body.

Prognostic factors

  • Lactate
    • A high lactate value is a diagnostic criterion for the presence of shock (> 2.0 mmol/l).
    • 8-hour value has been shown to be a predictor (predictive feature) of 30-day mortality (death rate): Here, lactate clearance (clearing power): comparison of lactate level at baseline versus 8-hour value: a lactate drop of at least 3.45% per hour increased patient survival by almost 50% compared with a smaller drop (HR: 0.53; p˂ 0.001).