Carpal tunnel syndrome


Carpal tunnel syndrome, medianus compression syndrome, brachialgia paraesthetica nocturna, CTS, KTS, nerve compression syndrome, compression neuropathy of the median nerve


Carpal tunnel syndrome describes a nerve constriction of the median nerve in the area of the flexor-side wrist. The cause is often unknown, but injuries, inflammation or degenerative changes also cause an increase in pressure in the carpal tunnel with pressure damage to the median nerve. The damage to the nerve subsequently leads to a degeneration of the thumb ball muscles. The damage also leads to sensory disturbances in the area of the first three fingers, i.e. thumb, index and middle finger.


The carpal tunnel is a tunnel-like tube. It is located in the depth between the thumb ball muscles and the small finger ball muscles. The medianus nerve runs through it.

It is one of the three main nerves of the arm, which are responsible for the function of the muscles and the sensation of feeling. The pressure on the nerve, for example as an accompanying symptom in Thoracic outlet syndrome, causes pain. The pain is particularly strong at night.

The clinical picture can progress further and trigger a persistent numbness, which extends particularly to the thumb, index and middle finger. If the disease remains untreated for many years, the thumb ball muscles can also atrophy. In this case the thumb can no longer be placed powerfully opposite the fingers.

One can differentiate here between 2 principal reasons: A definite cause for carpal tunnel syndrome is usually not clearly identifiable. The above-mentioned and thus known causes of carpal tunnel syndrome make up only a small part of all cases that occur.

  • Narrowing of the carpal canal (e.g. due to bone fractures, acromegaly, etc.


  • Pathologically increased volume in the carpal canal, e.g. due to a tumor

Very often women in the “menopause” area are affected by this disease. Approximately 1% of all women between 40 and 60 years of age complain at least temporarily about symptoms that indicate carpal tunnel syndrome. Especially the increased use of computers, caused by using the keyboard and the “mouse”, causes a significant increase in the area of diagnosed carpal tunnel syndrome. Men can also be affected by carpal tunnel syndrome, but the disease is relatively rare in children.