Cat Allergy: Causes and Treatment

Brief overview

  • Treatment: tablets to relieve symptoms, hyposensitization
  • Diagnosis: prick test, blood test.
  • Symptoms: Coughing, sneezing, eye watering, skin rash.
  • Causes and risk factors: Immune system reacts inappropriately strongly to a substance (allergen) that is actually harmless
  • Course and prognosis: Usually mild, in severe cases asthma develops.
  • Prevention: Avoid contact with cats and cat owners as much as possible, keep home free of allergens.

What is a cat allergy?

A cat allergy is an allergic reaction to certain proteins of cats. Cats release this protein, called allergen, with their saliva, urine and the secretion of their skin glands. Via dust particles and cat hair, the allergens are distributed in the indoor air. Even the smallest amounts are enough to irritate the mucous membranes and respiratory tract of some people and trigger allergic reactions.

Colloquially, there is often talk of a “cat hair allergy”. Contrary to popular belief, however, it is not the cat’s hair that triggers the cat allergy, but the particles that settle on it.

Cats do not all produce the same type of allergen. In different types of cats, this protein is slightly altered. In most cases, people with a cat allergy are allergic to all types of cats. However, it also happens that, for example, only angora cats cause reactions.

The answer to the question “Cat allergy – what to do?” is mostly based on the subjective assessment of the person affected. In many cases, a cat allergy causes so little discomfort that a visit to the doctor is dispensed with. In some affected persons the severity of the symptoms increases in the course of the disease, so that a cat allergy is often treated only many years after its development.

What can be done about a cat allergy?

Treating a cat allergy means first and foremost avoiding the trigger (i.e. cats) – even if this is difficult. Many allergy sufferers have no choice but to give the cat away.

Once the cat is out of the house, it is important to thoroughly clean upholstered furniture, carpets and all surfaces. Nevertheless, it happens that allergens are still in the home many months later.

Medication for cat allergy

For the treatment of acute symptoms of cat allergy, various medications and tablets can also be considered. Although they do not cure cat allergy, they relieve discomfort. Antihistamines, for example, reduce the body’s sensitivity to histamine or inhibit the release of histamine. These include, for example, active ingredients such as cetirizine, fexofenadine or loratadine.

For allergic rhinitis with swollen mucous membranes and shortness of breath, doctors recommend solutions for inhalation with beta2-sympathomimetics such as salbutamol. These clear the bronchial tubes and make breathing easier. Decongestant nasal sprays also help. However, these should not be used for more than a week at a time, or the body will become accustomed to them.

Some people take cat allergy medications prophylactically to prevent symptoms. For example, if a cat owner is scheduled to visit, antihistamines are used in advance to help prevent or lessen an allergic reaction.

Some people rely on homeopathic remedies for cat allergy, such as Galphimia glauca, Luffa or Arundo.

Cat allergy: desensitization

Desensitization, also called hyposensitization, to cats is recommended for allergy sufferers who either deal with cats professionally or suffer despite medication when in contact with the allergen.

Desensitization is possible in different types of allergies. It lowers the sensitivity of allergy sufferers to allergens. In this process, the allergy sufferer is exposed to increasingly higher doses of the allergen over a period of several months. Following desensitization, contact with allergens triggers only minor reactions.

Vaccination for cat allergy

In addition to desensitization, there may soon be a vaccination available to treat a cat allergy – and for the animal. Researchers have developed a vaccine in which an antibody binds to the cat’s allergen. The allergen is eliminated in this way, so it no longer triggers reactions in humans. However, more studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness and tolerability of the cat allergy vaccine.

How can you test if you have a cat allergy?

  • How long have the symptoms been present?
  • Do you have these symptoms mainly when you are indoors?
  • Do these symptoms only occur in your home or elsewhere?
  • Do you have pets and if so which ones?

If an allergy is suspected, a special allergy test is performed after taking a medical history. In most cases, the so-called prick test is used. In this test, various allergens are dripped onto the forearm or back of the affected person. The doctor then carefully scores the skin underneath. In people without an allergy, no skin changes result. If a cat allergy is present, the skin under the corresponding allergen reddens after about 15 to 20 minutes and swells slightly.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor then carries out a blood test. In the process, he examines the blood for antibodies contained (enzyme allergy sorbent test). This blood test is somewhat more expensive than other examination methods and is therefore only used if the doctor already suspects a specific allergen as a trigger. Other diseases such as hay fever, asthma or an infection can be ruled out in this way.

Allergy diary

In some cases, it is not possible to make a tentative diagnosis during the first consultation. Then the doctor arranges a second appointment a few months apart. Those affected use this period to keep an allergy diary. In it they document:

  • The type, severity and duration of the symptoms
  • The time of day at which they occur
  • Medication taken
  • Diet
  • Activities
  • Environmental influences

By evaluating the allergy diary, the doctor receives specific information about the trigger of the allergy. So in uncertain cases, the skin test as well as the blood test will take place only after a second consultation with the doctor.

Cat allergy: symptoms

A cat allergy manifests itself through various symptoms. Cat allergy sufferers, for example, suffer from itching or sneezing attacks. These complaints are not dangerous, but very annoying.

You can read everything important about cat allergy symptoms under Cat allergy symptoms.

What is the cause of a cat allergy?

The reason why some people react allergically to these basically harmless proteins is due to a malfunction of the immune system. In allergy sufferers, the proteins trigger an exaggerated reaction of the immune system. Such substances are called allergens. Not every person who has a cat allergy reacts to all types of cats with the same symptoms of allergy.

Cats produce different amounts of the allergen Fel d 1 depending on their age, sex and breed. The allergen of cat allergy was named after the Latin name for the domestic cat “Felis domesticus”. Certain cat species also have other Fel d allergens.

Through daily grooming and licking, the animals spread the proteins on their fur or through urine in the litter box. Dust particles that attach to the proteins, as well as hair and dander that cats continually shed, spread the allergens into the indoor air. Cat owners carry hair or dander from their animals on their clothing and on their bodies. In this way, the allergens reach places where there is no cat at all.

What is the course of a cat allergy?

How the cat allergy progresses depends primarily on the behavior of the person affected. If an allergen or contact with cats is not avoided, there is a risk that the cat allergy will worsen. If left untreated and in regular contact with the allergen, there is a long-term risk of developing bronchial asthma as a result of the cat allergy. Those affected suffer from this for the rest of their lives.

How can a cat allergy be prevented?

To prevent the symptoms of cat allergy, the best way is to avoid direct contact with cats as well as people who own cats. Do not stay near cat owners for an extended period of time, as they carry the allergens on their bodies or clothing.

Special room air filters help to keep allergen exposure low in apartments. Also try to keep the cat out of the bedroom and wash your hands after direct contact with it.

Have someone else brush the cat regularly – preferably outdoors rather than indoors. This also helps to prevent the discomfort of a cat allergy.