Chicken Egg Protein Allergy

Eggs are part of the normal diet for many of us: Whether as a breakfast egg, in the cake or as a brightly colored Easter egg. For children and adults with an allergy to chicken eggs, i.e. a chicken egg protein allergy, this does not apply. Their body reacts to certain proteins in the egg white (more rarely in the yolk) with a violent defense reaction.

Chicken egg protein allergy: antibodies in the blood.

The allergy-triggering substance – the allergen – is actually harmless, but the allergy sufferer’s immune system classifies it as a foreign substance. It runs at full speed to fight the supposed foreign substance. To do this, it uses antibodies in the blood called immunoglobulin E (IgE for short). IgE forms a complex with allergens that causes special white blood cells (mast cells) to secrete histamine.

Histamine is a messenger substance responsible for redness, swelling and itching. Therefore, the consumption of egg causes discomfort in affected individuals.

Symptoms of chicken egg protein allergy

Typical signs of chicken egg protein allergy are:

  • Nausea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin rash
  • Respiratory problems

In a very strong allergic readiness, a life-threatening state of shock can occur even after eating small amounts of the allergen.

The allergy is not equally developed in all sufferers. Some allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate raw egg (for example in dessert) can eat it in cooked form without any problems. Others react so sensitively that they have to avoid not only chicken eggs, but also eggs from geese or ducks.

In rare cases, cross-allergies occur, in which case – due to the chemically similar protein structure – poultry meat or bird feathers also trigger an allergic reaction.

Food allergy

Pseudoallergies (pseudo = Greek: sham), in which histamine is released without IgE being involved, differ from food allergy. Ingredients of some foods and additives such as colorants, preservatives, or flavorings can react directly with mast cells to release histamine. Consumption of histamine-rich foods such as cheese, fish, and wine can also cause allergic symptoms in some people.

Unlike allergies, pseudoallergies are less common and only larger amounts of the pseudoallergen trigger symptoms. For all affected individuals, it is essential to avoid the triggering substances.

Replace eggs

The renunciation is quite simple with the colored Easter egg, the search for eggs in finished products, however, turns out to be more complicated. Since eggs are needed as binding, leavening and loosening agents, they are found in baked goods, sauces, mayonnaise, ice cream, cream and desserts. Eggs are also used to clarify liquids, so traces can appear in broth, juice and wine. In the ingredients list, chicken egg is often behind foreign protein, animal protein, lecithin, stabilizers and emulsifiers.

To be on the safe side, avoid ready-made products and cook and bake yourself. However, cake recipes often cannot do without egg. Egg substitutes (mostly soy-based) from health food stores or pharmacies can help.

Examples of egg substitute products:

  • Per egg used in baking two tablespoons of water, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and half a teaspoon of baking powder or
  • You replace one egg with one tablespoon of whole soy flour and two tablespoons of water