Cola Tree: Applications and Uses

Kola seeds are primarily used to treat mental and physical fatigue. Animal experiments have also demonstrated general stimulant, fat-reducing and exercise-promoting effects. Furthermore, cola seeds are said to promote gastric acid production.

Cola seeds in foods

In the food and beverage industry, preparations made from cola seeds, due to their caffeine content, are mainly used to make drinks that have a stimulating effect like other caffeine-containing drugs. A popular example is the soft drink Coca Cola.

Application in folk medicine and homeopathy.

In folk medicine, cola seeds have been used since the late 18th century as a stimulant for fatigue.

In homeopathy, kola seeds are used, for example, for lack of drive and dejection.

Ingredients of kola seeds

The main active ingredient in kola seeds is the purine alkaloid caffeine, accounting for 1.5-3%. Theobromine, proteins, sugars, and minerals occur in smaller amounts. Other constituents include phenols, which can form complexes with caffeine.

Cola tree: what indication?

In the following cases, cola tree can find medical application:

  • Mental exhaustion
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Fatigue
  • Fatigue
  • Low spirits
  • Low spirits