Complications | Pharyngitis


An acute sore throat usually heals without complications. In some cases, however, complications can occur, especially those caused by bacterial infections.

  • Bacterial sore throat, for example, can spread to the larynx and vocal cords, causing an inflammation of the larynx or vocal cords (laryngitis).


The diagnosis of a sore throat can usually be made very easily by a family doctor or ear, nose and throat specialist: The patient’s symptoms and the inspection of the mouth and throat area already reveal what the patient is suffering from. By means of coatings in the throat area, conclusions can also be drawn about the respective pathogen. If the physician finds pustule, a bacterial genesis of the sore throat can be assumed.

However, there are also viruses that can cause characteristic coatings in the throat area. One example is the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which causes Pfeiffer’s glandular fever. This manifests itself as a severe sore throat with swelling of the palatine tonsils, which are typically covered with a dirty gray coating.

Also the diphtheria, caused by Corynebacterium diphteriae, is often already recognizable by the characteristic throat coating. This is yellow-white in color and can spread over the entire throat area. If it is necessary to determine the exact pathogen causing the sore throat, the doctor can take a smear of the inflamed mucosa and have it microbiologically examined. Subsequently, a targeted therapy can then be initiated. In the case of a common sore throat, however, this differentiation is usually not necessary.

Therapy of throat inflammation

The therapy of a sore throat depends on the underlying cause of the disease. A viral sore throat is usually treated purely symptomatically and subsequently heals without complications. It is recommended to stay in bed, dress warm and drink a lot.

Herbal teas (e.g. sage and chamomile tea) are particularly suitable, as they have an anti-inflammatory effect. If possible, the drinks should not contain sugar. Very hot, very cold and carbonated drinks should be avoided, as they put additional strain on the mucous membranes.

However, gargling with a salve solution can be helpful. If the pain is more severe, painkillers can also be used (ibuprofen, paracetamol). Alternatively, throat sprays and lozenges with an anaesthetic effect are available in the pharmacy, which can alleviate the pain.

As a well-tried household remedy, some patients also resort to neck wraps. Bacterial sore throat must be treated with medication depending on its severity.In the case of a mild infection, a purely symptomatic therapy is recommended, as with viral sore throat. However, if the throat and palatine tonsils are severely festered, antibiotic therapy is usually unavoidable to avoid complications.

If streptococci are the pathogens that caused the sore throat, penicillin is usually prescribed. It is important that the antibiotic is taken according to the doctor’s instructions and that the therapy is not terminated prematurely by the patient, even if the symptoms have already improved. Otherwise the bacteria may re-germinate and make the sore throat worse again.

In addition, premature discontinuation of the therapy promotes the development of resistance in the bacteria. For the therapy of chronic sore throat, it is often sufficient to avoid the causative factor if possible. This is best done in the case of sore throats, which are promoted by nicotine or alcohol consumption.

If the irritant effect of these substances on the mucous membranes ceases, the sore throat will usually heal within a very short time. Chronic sore throats in the course of chemo- or radiotherapy are usually unavoidable. To relieve the symptoms, moistening the mucous membranes with lozenges or artificial saliva helps.

Good oral hygiene should also be ensured to avoid microbial infections of the previously damaged mucous membranes. Many patients with a sore throat wonder whether it is better to cool or warm the throat. This depends primarily on the cause of the sore throat.

In the case of sore throats caused by a viral or bacterial infection, it is better to treat the throat with warmth. The heat improves the blood supply to the pharyngeal mucosa, which means that immune cells reach the site of inflammation more easily and waste products are removed more quickly. Warm tea and a scarf keep the neck warm.

However, if the sore throat is caused by an allergy or irritation, e.g. by chemicals, it is better to cool the throat. Cold drinks or ice will numb the irritated mucous membrane and relieve the pain. Home remedies can help with a sore throat and pain when swallowing.

The most important measure for sore throat is to drink enough (at least two liters per day). The liquid keeps the mucous membrane of the throat moist and makes it more difficult for pathogens to penetrate. For sore throats caused by a cold, it is best for patients to drink warm herbal tea, e.g. chamomile, sage or peppermint tea.

The warmth additionally supports the blood circulation of the mucous membrane and the removal of the pathogens. The tea can be sweetened with honey. Honey has a strong germicidal effect and is therefore considered a well-tried household remedy for sore throats.

A less pleasant, but still very effective household remedy is gargling with salt water. For this, a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a cup of warm water and gargled several times with the solution. This process can be repeated every few hours, but the salt water should not be swallowed.

Gargling with chamomile tea can also help with sore throats. Chamomile has long been considered a medicinal plant and has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on irritated mucous membranes. Various foods also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Especially garlic and onion are effective against germs and support the healing of sore throats. Ginger in combination with fresh lemon juice is also used as a household remedy against sore throats. It is best to cut the ginger into small pieces and pour boiling water over it before adding the lemon juice.

The tea can also be sweetened with honey. In order to get rid of the sore throat quickly, those affected must first of all listen to their body feeling and take care of themselves. Exercise in the fresh air, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep support the immune system and help to fight the inflammation.