Dislocation, Sprain and Strain of the Joints and Ligaments of Upper Ankle and Foot: Medical History

The anamnesis (medical history) represents an important component in the diagnosis of dislocation, sprain, strain of the ankle and foot.

Family history

  • Is there a frequent occurrence of skeletal system disorders in your family?

Social history

  • What is your profession?

Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).

  • Are you experiencing pain? If yes, when does the pain occur?
  • Where is the pain localized?
  • Do you have any limitation of movement due to pain?
  • Do you have swelling or bruising in this area?
  • Was the symptomatology preceded by a triggering situation? Accident?

Vegetative anamnesis incl. nutritional anamnesis.

  • Do you participate in sports? If yes, which sport discipline(s) and how often weekly?

Self history including medication history.

  • Pre-existing conditions (diseases of bones / joints, injuries).
  • Operations
  • Allergies
  • Medication history