Sunburn: Prevention and treatment

Sunburn: Description Sunburn (dermatitis solaris) is an acute inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin, accompanied by a visible reddening of the skin and even blistering. The cause is too much UV radiation (especially UV-B radiation) – regardless of whether it comes from the sun or an artificial source of radiation. The radiation damage … Sunburn: Prevention and treatment

Malaria: Prevention, Symptoms, Vaccination

Brief overview What is malaria? A tropical-subtropical infectious disease caused by unicellular parasites (plasmodia). Depending on the type of pathogen, different forms of malaria develop (malaria tropica, malaria tertiana, malaria quartana, knowlesi malaria), whereby mixed infections are also possible. Occurrence: mainly in tropical-subtropical regions worldwide (except Australia). Africa is particularly affected. In 2020, an estimated … Malaria: Prevention, Symptoms, Vaccination

Breast Cancer Prevention: Early Detection

What is breast cancer screening? Breast cancer screening involves a series of regular examinations aimed at detecting any existing breast cancer at an early stage. For this purpose, the doctor uses various examination methods that can be used to detect a malignant tumor in the breast: Palpation of the breast Ultrasound examination (sonography) Mammography (chest … Breast Cancer Prevention: Early Detection

Soft Chancre: Symptoms, Therapy, Prevention

Brief overview Symptoms: Initially reddish papules, later vesicles, then painful ulcers, in men usually under the foreskin, in women on the labia, urethral area, vagina or cervix; inflammation of the lymph nodes, sometimes lymph node abscesses. Causes and risk factors: Infection with Haemophilus ducreyi bacterium, transmission through unprotected sexual contact. Examinations and diagnosis: smear from … Soft Chancre: Symptoms, Therapy, Prevention

Japanese Encephalitis: Triggers, Symptoms, Prevention

Brief overview What is Japanese encephalitis? An inflammation of the brain caused by a virus, which is particularly common in South-East Asia. Causes: Japanese encephalitis viruses, which are transmitted by blood-sucking mosquitoes Symptoms: usually no or only mild symptoms such as headaches and fever, in children mainly gastrointestinal complaints. Rarely severe courses with symptoms such … Japanese Encephalitis: Triggers, Symptoms, Prevention

Gas in Babies & Children – Prevention

Warm compresses and compresses on the stomach are also recommended: they relax and promote blood circulation. Some children benefit from decongestant drops. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about this. According to the latest findings, breastfeeding mothers do not have to avoid certain foods to prevent flatulence in babies. However, sensitive breastfed babies may experience bloating … Gas in Babies & Children – Prevention

Endocarditis Prophylaxis: How to Prevent Inflammation

Endocarditis prophylaxis – for whom? In most cases, infective endocarditis develops when the inner lining of the heart is attacked by a previous disease. This could be, for example, in the case of a congenital heart or heart valve defect, but also if, for example, the aortic valve has changed due to arteriosclerosis (hardening of … Endocarditis Prophylaxis: How to Prevent Inflammation