Duration of the flu in the child | Duration of a flu

Duration of the flu in the child

Children can also fall ill with influenza, but more often they are affected by flu-like infections, which can occur several times a year. Influenza is particularly dangerous in very young children (before the age of 1 year) or children with serious previous illnesses. More severe courses of the disease can become apparent here.

In children, influenza can cause quite untypical symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, skin symptoms and drowsiness. The duration depends on the condition of the child. Particularly feared are bacterial superinfections and complications such as pneumonia, pseudocroup or middle ear infections. This can prolong the duration of the disease.

Duration of the risk of infection

People who are ill with influenza can infect others with influenza viruses. The risk of infection is already present before the onset of symptoms. At least one day before the onset of symptoms, those affected are already contagious. After that, one can remain infected for about a week.

Duration of sick leave

Patients with influenza are not able to work because of their illness, and they are also at risk of infecting others. They are therefore put on sick leave for the duration of their illness. The duration of the incapacity to work varies, however, since the course of an influenza illness can also be different.

In a normal course, those affected are usually unable to work for between 7 and 10 days. Severe courses of the disease can, however, last several weeks, resulting in a longer period of incapacity to work. If the baby or toddler has the flu, one partner can take 10-20 days off per year to care for the sick child.