High blood pressure – Prevention

Healthy body weight

Avoid being overweight or try to lose weight if you weigh too much. This is because excess weight increases blood pressure. Every excess kilo you lose is worth it: it takes the strain off your heart and lowers your blood pressure. Those who have to take medication for high blood pressure benefit in another way by losing weight: The antihypertensives then work better, so the dose can sometimes be reduced.

More exercise

The more active you are, the lower your risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease – common consequences of high blood pressure. This is because regular endurance training improves the flow properties of the blood. This prevents high blood pressure and the formation of blood clots (thrombosis). The risk of thrombosis is significantly increased with existing hypertension: The clots can clog vessels anywhere in the body, for example in the legs (smoker’s leg), in the brain (stroke) or in the heart (heart attack).

Include plenty of fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products and whole grains in your diet. Fatty animal foods, on the other hand, should be on the table less often (butter, meat, fried foods, etc.). Reach for “healthier” fats, such as those found in sea fish, nuts and vegetable oils, but again, watch the quantity!

Beware of salt!

Avoid too much table salt. Rather season your food with herbs and do not add salt to the food at the table – neither at home nor in the restaurant. Also be careful with ready-made products such as packet soups, cheese or mustard, because they usually contain a lot of salt.

Alcohol only in moderation

Whether wine, beer or sparkling wine – every sip of an alcoholic beverage drives up blood pressure. The more regularly and the more you drink alcoholic beverages, the more lasting this effect will be. So enjoy alcohol only in moderation or do without it altogether.

No nicotine!

Just no stress

If your everyday life is often hectic, you should make sure you have regular downtime. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation help you switch off. Sometimes a short walk or a relaxing bath is enough to calm you down after a stressful day and bring your blood pressure back down to a healthier level.

Existing high blood pressure

People who already suffer from high blood pressure should also take the following points to heart to prevent complications and secondary diseases:

“Adherence to therapy: take your hypertension medication regularly, at the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Under no circumstances should you independently discontinue the preparations or reduce their dose.