Duration of the healing of a broken jaw | The broken jaw

Duration of the healing of a broken jaw

When a bone can be fully loaded again after osteosynthesis depends on the type of fracture, the individual healing process and the form of therapy. Complete bone regeneration after jaw fractures usually occurs after six weeks. After that, the bone can be fully loaded again and the patient no longer has any limitations.

There is no scientific proof of accelerating preparations or measures, so all that is required is strict adherence to all therapy measures and rules of conduct prescribed by the doctor. In homeopathy there is the preparation Symphytum made of comfrey, which is supposed to accelerate osteosynthesis and bone regeneration. Symphytum is used in the form of globules primarily for bone fractures, but also for sprains. It should be discussed with the dentist in charge of the treatment in order to avoid a failure of the therapy.

The nutrition after a broken jaw

The nutrition after a broken jaw is strong and the surgical therapy is very limited. During this time, the food intake is exclusively in liquid and mushy form. Hard food can cause the fracture to reopen or shift. During the healing period of six weeks, good oral hygiene is hardly possible, which is why the patient should avoid sugary foods. This avoidance does not increase the risk of tooth decay, which is caused by the limited oral hygiene.In the case of severe comminuted fractures, it is quite possible that the patient may initially have to be fed via a stomach tube.

Sick leave with a broken jaw

Depending on the extent of the injury, the patient is unfit for work for about two to six weeks, during which time he or she is put on sick leave. In the healing phase after the inpatient stay, weekly follow-up examinations are prescribed to follow the healing process and to rule out complications. Irregular follow-up care can lead to healing delays and functional problems. Complications can therefore also prolong the sick leave and the follow-up care. For most fractures, rehabilitation measures such as special functional physiotherapy are not necessary.