Eating after Wisdom Tooth Extraction: What is Allowed?

Eating after wisdom tooth surgery: General information

Eating and drinking after wisdom tooth surgery requires caution: most anesthetics continue to have an effect for some time. Therefore, wait some time before eating and also refrain from hot drinks. However, you can drink cold drinks in small sips.

Once the effect of the anesthetics has worn off, you can drink warm foods and eat soft foods again. Pureed foods and lukewarm soups are suitable, as are softly cooked vegetables, meat and fish, or “baby food.”

The food should not be hard, hot or spicy. This would irritate the wound and could lead to inflammation, pain and bleeding. After eating, you should brush your teeth carefully and use a mouth rinse. As soon as the wound has healed and the stitches have been removed, you can eat what you like again.

Eating after wisdom tooth surgery: Alcohol

In addition, alcohol can have a negative effect on blood clotting, which increases the risk of bleeding.

Last but not least, sugars and other substances contained in alcohol promote the growth of bacteria and thus increase the risk of wound infections.

Eating after wisdom tooth surgery: dairy products

You should refrain from eating milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese directly after wisdom tooth surgery, as the lactic acid bacteria contained in the products can penetrate the wound and cause inflammation. In addition, lactic acid bacteria can prematurely dissolve wound scabs that have already formed, causing the wound to continue bleeding. In addition, there is a risk of interactions with medications.