What is allowed after Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Complications after wisdom tooth surgery Pain after wisdom tooth surgery should be treated as soon as possible with painkillers (analgesics) such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. Blood thinning medications such as aspirin should not be taken after surgery. These increase the risk of secondary bleeding or the development of larger bruises (hematomas). The healing process may … What is allowed after Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Eating after Wisdom Tooth Extraction: What is Allowed?

Eating after wisdom tooth surgery: General information Eating and drinking after wisdom tooth surgery requires caution: most anesthetics continue to have an effect for some time. Therefore, wait some time before eating and also refrain from hot drinks. However, you can drink cold drinks in small sips. Once the effect of the anesthetics has worn … Eating after Wisdom Tooth Extraction: What is Allowed?

Risks and side effects of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery | General anesthesia for a wisdom tooth surgery

Risks and side effects of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery General anesthesia is a procedure that has been successfully performed daily in hospitals worldwide for many years. A distinction is made between the risks that can occur during general anesthesia and the unpleasant, but usually harmless side effects afterwards. The risks include, for example, … Risks and side effects of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery | General anesthesia for a wisdom tooth surgery

What are the costs of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery? | General anesthesia for a wisdom tooth surgery

What are the costs of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery? If the health insurance company does not cover the costs of general anesthesia for the wisdom tooth surgery, the dentist or anesthesiologist will settle the bill. The patient will be informed about the costs and will receive an invoice after the surgery. The amount … What are the costs of general anesthesia for wisdom tooth surgery? | General anesthesia for a wisdom tooth surgery