Excess Magnesium: Causes, Symptoms

Excess magnesium: What is it?

Excess magnesium generally refers to an excess of the mineral in the blood. The amount circulating here makes up only around one percent of the total magnesium reserves in the body. While a deficiency is quite common, an excess is quite rare. Pronounced hypermagnesemia is only possible with excessive intake of magnesium supplements or very severe renal insufficiency. It is mainly detected in the following cases:

  • excessive intake of magnesium
  • severe renal insufficiency
  • hypothyroidism
  • adrenal insufficiency
  • Weakness of the parathyroid glands

Excess magnesium: symptoms

Symptoms of hypermagnesemia usually only occur at levels of more than two millimoles per liter. Initially, the muscle reflexes disappear during the neurological examination. In some cases, there is flaccidity and signs of paralysis of the muscles, in severe cases also of the respiratory muscles. Blood pressure drops and the pulse becomes slow. Cardiac arrhythmia and cardiac arrest can occur.

Is too much magnesium harmful?

The body normally needs magnesium every day. However, too much of this mineral is harmful. Therefore, you should not take magnesium supplements without consulting your doctor to avoid an overdose.