Flu: What Helps against the Virus Infection?

The flu (influenza) is an infection caused by viruses. Typical symptoms are fever and a strong feeling of illness. If the disease does not take a severe course, the worst is usually over after a week. During this time, you can alleviate the symptoms with home remedies such as bed rest, chicken soup and calf compresses. In some cases, drug treatment is also useful. Learn here how to recognize flu, how to treat it and how to effectively protect yourself from the infection.

Contagious flu

Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, which comes in the form of different types. The most dangerous are type A viruses, which were responsible for the outbreak of bird flu or swine flu, for example. The viruses spread mostly by droplet infection (for example, when coughing or sneezing). However, infection is also possible through direct contact, such as kissing. Transmission is also possible through direct contact with contaminated surfaces, for example if an ill person sneezes into their hands and then touches a door handle. If the next person touches this door handle, the pathogens can reach the mucous membranes via the hand if the person then touches his or her face. Since the influenza virus is highly mutable, permanent protection against the pathogen is not possible. A flu vaccination, for example, must be repeated every year. It is particularly recommended for certain risk groups such as the elderly or chronically ill. Even though a cold is often colloquially equated with the flu, these are two different diseases that are triggered by different pathogens. While a cold (grippaler Infekt) is quite harmless, it can come with a real flu quite to serious courses and sometimes even to deaths.

Typical symptoms of influenza

In the course of flu, the following symptoms typically occur:

  • The first signs of flu are often chills and a strong feeling of illness.
  • A short time later, symptoms such as fever and headache and aching limbs appear.
  • In addition, symptoms such as cough, cold and sore throat may become apparent.
  • Sufferers usually feel tired, fatigued and exhausted.
  • With flu, the fever can rise up to 41 degrees. As long as the temperature rises, chills often occur. As soon as the fever drops, it comes to the sweats, which are also typical for influenza.

Typically, the symptoms occur relatively suddenly and very violent. This distinguishes the flu from a normal cold. Because in a cold, the symptoms are usually slower and also not so strong noticeable. So the difference between the flu and a cold is mainly in the course and severity of the illness. During the winter flu season, a doctor can usually diagnose the flu based on symptoms. Laboratory diagnostics are required for a definite diagnosis, and various tests may be used. Usually, a swab is taken from the nose dau. Typical symptoms of a coronavirus infection

Possible complications

Most often, influenza takes a harmless course and no complications occur. If complications do occur, it is usually because a bacterial infection is added to the viral infection. Such a secondary infection can lead to diseases such as pneumonia, otitis media or myocarditis. Such a severe course usually manifests itself about three to ten days after the onset of the disease. Elderly people, small children, chronically ill people, people with an immune defect and pregnant women have an increased risk of developing complications. If you have caught the flu, you need to take it easy to prevent complications. The infection weakens the immune system and makes it more susceptible to other pathogens such as bacteria. In order to avoid a dangerous secondary infection, sufficient rest until the flu is completely healed is extremely important.

Course and duration of the flu

The incubation period of influenza is short, ranging from a few hours to three days, with an average of one to two days.If the disease breaks out, those affected feel very ill within a few hours. In an uncomplicated course, the flu usually lasts about a week. In more severe cases or if complications arise, however, it can take longer to recover. A risk of infection arises from the time of infection and not only after the outbreak of the flu. Once the disease has broken out, the risk of infection continues for about four to five days. Children may also be contagious for several days longer.

Home remedies for flu

If you have caught the flu, the most important thing is to take it easy on yourself physically. Also, take enough fluids – this is especially true if you have a high fever and sweat heavily. Hot teas in the varieties peppermint, chamomile or lime blossom are well suited. On the other hand, it is better to avoid black tea, as well as coffee and alcohol. In addition, the following home remedies are also recommended:

  • A freshly prepared chicken soup relieves discomfort such as cough and cold.
  • Inhalation also has a positive effect on cough and cold symptoms.
  • Calf compresses can help reduce high fever. However, apply the compresses only when the affected person is warm.
  • Gargles can be used to effectively combat sore throats. In addition to salt water, sage tea is also good for gargling.

The best tips against cold symptoms.

Treat flu with medication

Flu usually does not need to be treated with medication. However, in individual cases, special antiviral drugs such as neuraminidase inhibitors can be used. They have a positive effect on the course of the disease, especially if they are taken immediately after the onset of the first flu symptoms (within the first 48 hours). Neuraminidase inhibitors (for example oseltamivir or zanamivir) block the spread of the viruses and can thus shorten the duration of the illness and reduce its severity. An antibiotic, on the other hand, has no effect on influenza because it works only against bacteria. However, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics if a bacterial infection has occurred in addition to the flu. If you suffer from severe headaches or aching limbs, painkillers can help relieve the symptoms. Suitable tablets include those containing acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol or ibuprofen. However, children under 14 years of age should not be given medications containing acetylsalicylic acid under any circumstances, as they may otherwise develop life-threatening Reye’s syndrome.

Preventing an influenza infection

The best way to prevent influenza is to get vaccinated. It must be given every year because the virus is constantly changing. Vaccination is especially recommended for high-risk groups – for example, the chronically ill and hospital staff – as well as people over the age of 60. Ideally, they should be vaccinated every year before the onset of winter (September to November). However, there are also other ways to prevent influenza. It is important to wash your hands regularly during the flu season. Also, if possible, do not touch your nose or mouth with your hands if you may have previously come into contact with viruses – for example, on buses or trains, shopping malls or doctors’ offices.