Garlic: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Garlic lovers have certainly heard the comment: aha, ate garlic yesterday? Hardly any medicinal plant has so many applications, people who love this plant, but also many who strictly reject it.

Occurrence and cultivation of garlic

The name “garlic” comes from the Old High German and means “split leek”. Garlic, Allium sativum, originated in India and Central Asia and is now grown all over the world. The name “garlic” comes from the Old High German and means “split leek”. The “cloves“, i.e. the individual parts of the bulb, are used from this plant. The active substances of the remedy are a hardened oil, which contains alliin. When a clove is crushed or cut, allicin and sulfur compounds are formed. These have an antibacterial effect, have vitamins A and vitamin C, as well as amino acids.

Application and use

The “scent” and aroma alone enrich dishes from cuisines of all countries more or less intense, whether for salads, stews, meat dishes or as a spread. Whom the garlic pieces, in the salad also still so small chopped or crushed, disturb, can help themselves with the fact that simply the salad bowl with a cut clove is rubbed out, also this already gives the fine aroma of this spice. In naturopathy, garlic is used in countless applications. All natural healers and users of natural recipes know about the health-promoting and healing effects. Certainly the most common use of garlic cloves is prevention and help with colds, Here there are the most diverse home remedies, where the antibacterial effect should help. A so-called “garlic soup”, simply made from a clove of chopped garlic, a little broth and a few pieces of bread, poured with hot water, will bring any sickly person back on his feet. You can literally feel – and smell – the next day after consuming it, how from all pores the body eliminates the harmful substances.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention

Garlic is also a natural remedy for high blood pressure, for high cholesterol and helps thin the blood in cardiovascular disease. In these cases you will not do without a doctor, but as a natural remedy it has no side effects (except maybe the smell). In any case, it is worth once to look up natural healers or simply under the name “garlic” to see how you can help yourself with this plant. The effect will not occur on the first day, but just dealing with it, preparing it and knowing that you are doing something good for yourself are the first steps to recovery or to your own healing. In pharmacies and drugstores you can find garlic preparations for all kinds of aches and pains, which you can take without having to do the work of preparing them, and the smell is not as annoying as when preparing fresh garlic. An aspect that will interest all those who want to delay the aging process a little is also the use of garlic. There are recipes for preparing garlic with lemons or even with alcohol and then taking this preparation in doses as a cure for and against various problems. If you sum up all these possible applications and complaints for which the healing effect of garlic is effective, you will quickly realize that this alone has a rejuvenating effect or prevents premature aging. It protects against colds, strengthens the immune system, heart and circulation, helps with intestinal diseases, has an anti-cancer and anti-tumor effect, helps with skin diseases, etc. If all these factors can be taken into account with the help of garlic, this alone proves its health-preserving effect and thus prevents premature aging. About garlic there are many proverbs, old and new, for those who travel daily in public transport, it may be quite good to know that “the ticket secures the ride, the garlic secures the seat”.