Growing Pains: When “Growing Up” Hurts

Pain during growth is often not really taken seriously in preschool and school children. But they are not imaginary, just difficult to recognize. Usually the attacks begin in the evening, when the child is supposed to sleep. He or she cries and claims for about 10 to 15 minutes that he or she has pain in the knees, ankles or arms. This phase lasts about two weeks. Then it’s quiet again with the “children’s theater” for half a year. Is this a scam or a serious problem?

Diagnosis needs experience

Many textbooks do not mention growing pains at all or devote only a few lines to the complaints. Yet the problem is not uncommon. A quarter to half of all children between the ages of five and ten suffer from it on and off, often two or three times a year, for a few weeks.

The only characteristic of growing pains is pain mainly in the arms and legs, sometimes also in the feet, alternately on the left or right side. Neither redness nor swelling, rash nor fever occur. Laboratory tests remain negative. Most attacks are in the evening or at night, rarely during the day. The diagnosis is also difficult to make because young patients are rarely able to give reliable information regarding the intensity and location of the pain.

Causes still unclear

The cause of growing pains could be stretching of the tendons and ligaments. “The tendons and ligaments do not grow as quickly when the body stretches at night and grows by 0.2 millimeters during a push,” says Dr. med. Wolfgang Sohn, a general practitioner from Schwalmtal. As therapy warmth is recommended, for example by Massage, Moorsalben or infrared irradiation.

If it is particularly bad, also pain means can be used such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. “Parental attention is also very important,” advises Sohn. Take the child’s complaints seriously. Comfort it and possibly read a story or sing together, because distraction reduces the pain.

Typical signs of growing pains

  • Usually occurs in infancy, sometimes into puberty.
  • Occur in the evening or at night, often after extensive exercise during the day, but never during physical exertion itself.
  • The pain can not be localized exactly, mainly affects the long tubular bones (eg, lower or upper thigh), rarely the joints.
  • The pain wanders or changes sides.
  • The duration of pain varies from a few minutes to an hour.

Source: according to Dr. med. Martin Lang, physician for pediatrics and adolescent medicine, Augsburg.