Oscillatory Resistance

The determination of oscillatory resistance (oscillatory airway resistance) is a diagnostic procedure in pulmonology (lung medicine), which can be used to determine airway resistance, among other things, for therapy control in bronchial asthma. Using the oscillatory method, resistance can be determined more easily and significantly less expensively than using a complex bodyplethysmograph (device for measuring … Oscillatory Resistance

Shunt Volume Analysis

Shunt volume analysis is a diagnostic procedure in pulmonology (the study of the lungs) that can be used to assess the extent and progression (course/progression) of a right-to-left shunt, for example, in the presence of an arteriovenous malformation (congenital malformation of the blood vessels in which the arteries are directly connected to the veins). A … Shunt Volume Analysis


The Smokerlyzer is a medical device for determining the concentration of carbon monoxide in the blood. It is used as part of the diagnostics for smoking cessation. The toxic carbon monoxide (CO) is inhaled during smoking and is harmful because it reduces the amount of oxygen absorbed by erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood. … Smokerlyzer

Ventilation Scintigraphy

Ventilation scintigraphy (synonym: pulmonary ventilation scintigraphy) is a diagnostic nuclear medicine procedure used to evaluate pulmonary embolism. Ventilation scintigraphy is combined with pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy for the diagnosis of suspected pulmonary embolism in order to differentiate between acute pulmonary embolism and a secondary pulmonary perfusion disorder. A secondary pulmonary perfusion defect is a flow obstruction … Ventilation Scintigraphy

Breath Work Analysis

Respiratory work analysis is a diagnostic procedure in pulmonology (the study of the lungs) that can be used to determine changes in work of breathing in chronic pulmonary artery disease (COPD), among other conditions. Work of breathing is defined as the energy consumption, and therefore oxygen consumption, of the respiratory muscles required to overcome both … Breath Work Analysis

Breath Rate Measurement

Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. During internal respiration (tissue respiration), oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production occur simultaneously. In external respiration (pulmonary respiration), carbon dioxide is exhaled and oxygen is taken in. The respiratory rate depends on many factors such as age, body size and weight. In addition, the following factors … Breath Rate Measurement

Diffusion Test

Diffusion testing (synonyms: DLCO test; diffusion capacity test; CO diffusion capacity; carbon monoxide transfer factor test) is a diagnostic procedure used in pulmonology (lung medicine) to assess diffusion capacity (DLCO). However, the determination of diffusing capacity is considered to play a minor role in the diagnosis of asthma, since diffusing capacity itself is usually normal … Diffusion Test

Ergooximetry: Ergometry with Blood Gas Analysis

Ergooxymetry belongs to the so-called ergometric procedures. Ergometry is a performance test: under physical stress, e.g. on a bicycle ergometer, various physiological parameters such as pulse rate or respiratory rate are measured. A special form of ergometry is the so-called exercise ECG, which is used for the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease (heart disease associated … Ergooximetry: Ergometry with Blood Gas Analysis

Exercise-Induced Asthma Test

The exercise-induced asthma test (synonyms: EIA test, exercise-induced asthma test) is a variety of diagnostic procedures used to detect and evaluate exercise-induced bronchial asthma. Typically, cold air and exercise serve as triggers for the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma. Exercise-induced asthma itself is a common internal disease in sports, which is characterized by a high prevalence … Exercise-Induced Asthma Test

Cardiorespiratory Polygraphy

Cardiorespiratory polygraphy (synonym: sleep apnea screening) is a diagnostic measure used in sleep medicine for the detection of sleep-related breathing disorders. First and foremost is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), which is part of the metabolic syndrome (clinical name for the symptom combination obesity (overweight), hypertension (high blood pressure), elevated fasting glucose (fasting blood sugar) … Cardiorespiratory Polygraphy

Labadie Test

The Labadie test is a pulmonology (lung medicine) measurement technique that can be used to quantify so-called inspiratory airway obstruction (obstruction of the upper airway in particular during inspiration). The test consists of measuring the forced inspiratory vital capacity (FIVC). The FIVC is the lung volume that can be forcefully inhaled at one time after … Labadie Test

Pulmonary Perfusion Scintigraphy

Pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy is a diagnostic procedure in nuclear medicine that is essentially used to evaluate pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary scintigraphy can be used to detect pulmonary embolism very sensitively (probability of detecting pulmonary embolism if it is present) by visualizing a perfusion disturbance in the pulmonary vessels. An advantage of pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy is that … Pulmonary Perfusion Scintigraphy