How do you get the emergency contraceptive pill? | Effect of the “morning after pill

How do you get the emergency contraceptive pill?

In the past, the “morning after pill” was a prescription-only drug in Germany. Since March 16, 2015, this law has been changed; the “morning after pill” is now available without prescription in all pharmacies. Due to its cycle-dependent effect and possible side effects, however, a gynecologist should always be consulted in case of doubt. The cost of the emergency contraceptive pill is between 18€ (PiDaNa) and 35€ (EllaOne) and must be paid by the women themselves. Women under 20 years of age can get the emergency contraceptive pill reimbursed by their health insurance, but need a medical prescription.

Alternatives to the “morning after pill

An alternative to the “morning after pill”, which is still effective after ovulation, is the insertion of the copper coil, which also serves as a long-term contraceptive. This can be inserted up to 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse and prevents pregnancy with 99 percent certainty. It is assumed that the permanently released copper components have a toxic effect on sperm and at the same time cause a change in the cervical mucus, which makes it harder for the egg to implant.Possible side effects of the copper coil are lower abdominal pain, increased menstruation and possibly coil slippage, which women do not notice. There may also be an increased risk of abdominal infections.