
Structure and properties Transfluthrin (C15H12Cl2F4O2, Mr = 371.2 g/mol) is a pyrethroid. These are synthetically produced, chemically more stable derivatives of the pyrethrins naturally occurring in certain chrysanthemums (, Dalmatian insect flower). Effects Transfluthrin is insecticidal and insect repellent with broad spectrum activity. Indications for use Transfluthrin is used against clothes moths, among other insecticides.


Products Empenthrin is found in many countries in moth balls and strips (e.g. Orion Moth Free Moth Balls, Recozit Moth Strip), among other products, from which it is continuously released. Structure and properties Empenthrin (C18H26O2, Mr = 274.4 g/mol) is a pyrethroid. These are synthetically produced, chemically more stable derivatives of the pyrethrins naturally occurring … Empenthrin