Cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss

Introduction The reason for a hearing loss is often not known. Many different treatment strategies have been tried in the past decades. So far, no therapy has a scientifically proven advantage over the other therapies. The assumption that sudden deafness is caused by an inflammatory process led to the development of cortisone therapy in the … Cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss

Side effects of cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss | Cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss

Side effects of cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss Unfortunately, the side effects of glucocorticoids, like the effects, are very broad. Since glucocorticoids are taken up (more frequently) via tablets or infusions, they have a systemic effect. This means that they are absorbed into the bloodstream by the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and … Side effects of cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss | Cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss

Dosage of cortisone in the treatment of acute hearing loss | Cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss

Dosage of cortisone in the treatment of acute hearing loss The dosage of cortisone in the event of sudden deafness is very important for the success of the treatment. Recent studies have shown that low-dose cortisone treatment is not very effective. For this reason, a high dose of cortisone is usually used in sudden deafness. … Dosage of cortisone in the treatment of acute hearing loss | Cortisone therapy for sudden hearing loss