Treatment of a sinusitis

Treatment options Sinusitis is usually caused by viruses or bacteria. The treatment of sinusitis aims to reduce the inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes and restore the flow of mucus from the paranasal sinuses. First and foremost, measures should be taken to liquefy the mucus, which improves its excretion. This is achieved, for example, by … Treatment of a sinusitis

Causes of sinusitis | Risk of sinusitis infection

Causes of sinusitis Infectious pathogens are the cause of sinusitis in the majority of cases. Viruses make up the majority of potential pathogens, but bacteria can also cause inflammation with rhinitis. The viruses that are mainly responsible for rhinitis with inflammation are called “rhinoviruses”. Bacteria that cause sinusitis are mainly streptococci and staphylococci. They are … Causes of sinusitis | Risk of sinusitis infection