Drug therapy | What to do in case of laryngitis?

Drug therapy In some cases it may be necessary to treat laryngitis with medication, for example if the symptoms do not improve with home remedies. An antibiotic for laryngitis is only useful and helpful if the laryngitis is caused by a bacterial pathogen. Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria and can do nothing against viruses. … Drug therapy | What to do in case of laryngitis?

Symptoms of laryngitis

Introduction Laryngitis is a disease of the larynx. It can show various symptoms. The symptoms depend on various factors. For example, age and cause play a role. The symptoms differ, for example, between the acute and the chronic form. Laryngeal inflammation can be caused by viral and more rarely by bacterial infections, mechanical irritation, allergies … Symptoms of laryngitis

Coughing compulsion | Symptoms of laryngitis

Coughing compulsion Compulsive throat-clearing and coughing occur in conjunction with functional voice disorders. These can be associated with laryngitis. The compulsion to clear one’s throat is usually associated with a foreign body sensation in the throat, which can be caused by the swollen laryngeal mucosa or vocal fold nodules. Fever Since laryngitis is an inflammatory … Coughing compulsion | Symptoms of laryngitis