Boerhaave syndrome

Introduction Boerhaave syndrome is a medical term for a tear in the oesophagus named after a Dutch physician. This rarely occurring disease occurs spontaneously. It causes a tear in all the layers of the esophageal wall, so that finally there is an opening in the chest cavity. The spontaneous rupture usually occurs directly above the … Boerhaave syndrome

Differentiation from pneumothorax | Boerhaave syndrome

Differentiation from pneumothorax Boerhaave syndrome can also be mistakenly diagnosed as pneumothorax in some cases. In this case a pneumothorax should therefore be performed. Pneumothorax is a similar spontaneously occurring disease. By a pneumothorax, one half of the lung collapses. The patient suffers from acute stabbing pain in the chest and sudden shortness of breath. … Differentiation from pneumothorax | Boerhaave syndrome

Achalasia therapy

Therapy of achalasia 1. drug therapy of achalasia: drugs are helpful especially at the beginning of an achalasia disease. The long-term results are rather disappointing. In the case of achalasia, drugs are used to reduce the tension (muscle tone) of the smooth muscles (the muscles of the oesophageal sphincter). The available preparations, such as calcium … Achalasia therapy

Heartburn Causes

What are the causes of heartburn? On the one hand, the cause of primary reflux disease can be an overproduction of gastric acid. In this case, the peristalsis (coordinated muscle contraction) of the esophagus is unable to transport the acidic stomach contents back into the stomach quickly enough. It can be said that there is … Heartburn Causes

What foods cause heartburn? | Heartburn Causes

What foods cause heartburn? Heartburn can be triggered by a variety of foods. It is possible to list foods that are more commonly associated with heartburn. However, the exact selection of problematic foods is usually person-specific and is best determined by a kind of heartburn diary. Since heartburn is caused by an overproduction of stomach … What foods cause heartburn? | Heartburn Causes

Causes of secondary reflux disease | Heartburn Causes

Causes of secondary reflux disease After operations, such as dilatation of the stomach entrance (cardiomyotomy), Scleroderma (autoimmune systemic disease with multiple organ involvement (including stiffening of the esophageal wall). Conditional disturbance of the mobility of the esophagus (peristalsis) as causes of heartburn. In the case of gastric outlet stenosis, gastric emptying into the duodenum is … Causes of secondary reflux disease | Heartburn Causes

Home remedy against heartburn | What to do against heartburn?

Home remedy against heartburn There are numerous home remedies to relieve heartburn. Avoiding stomach acid-stimulating stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and cigarettes relieves. Apart from these preventive methods, drinking lukewarm, still water or low-acid tea (e.g. chamomile or fennel) can relieve the symptoms. Slowly chewed almonds, rice wafers or oatmeal help to absorb stomach acid … Home remedy against heartburn | What to do against heartburn?

Surgical therapy | What to do against heartburn?

Surgical therapy A surgical procedure is indicated for very severe and therapy-resistant courses of reflux esophagitis. Complications of the reflux disease may also make a surgical procedure necessary. A diaphragmatic hernia can be treated in different ways. The aim is to relocate the hernia back into the abdominal cavity. Most operations can be performed by … Surgical therapy | What to do against heartburn?

Achalasia surgery

Achalasia (“non-ass flaccidity”) is a functional disorder of the oesophagus, which manifests itself through difficulty swallowing, choking, burping and/or chest pain and is very restrictive for those affected in their daily lives. If conservative treatment approaches are not able to improve the achalasia sufficiently, surgery can be resorted to. In this procedure, the muscles of … Achalasia surgery


Synonyms Esophageal spasm, cardiac spasm, cardiac spasm, narrowing of the esophagus English:achalasia Definition Achalasia Achalasia is a rare disease which is based on a neuromuscular dysfunction (i.e. a disturbance in the interaction of muscles and nerves) of the oesophagus. The main symptom is the lack of relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter (lower esophageal sphincter), … Achalasia