Consequences of pleurisy | Duration of pleurisy

Consequences of pleurisy A mild and moderately severe pleurisy usually heals without consequences. In the case of a severe inflammation, however, the healing of the inflamed areas may result in adhesions, adhesions or even calcifications (pleuritis calcerea). If this results in impaired lung function and thus breathing is restricted, surgery is required to remove the … Consequences of pleurisy | Duration of pleurisy

Duration of pleurisy

Inflammation of the pleura is a very painful disease in which the so-called pleura of the ribcage has become inflamed. The pleura is a part of the pleura of the chest. Strictly speaking, one speaks of pleuritis when the entire pleura is inflamed. In a broader sense, however, it is often generalized and is also … Duration of pleurisy

Moist pleurisy

Introduction The pleura is a thin skin that lines the rib cage from the inside (pleura) and also envelops the lungs from the outside (pulmonary pleura). The pleura is pervaded by many nerves. This makes it extremely sensitive to pain. The function of the pleura is to form a sliding layer for the respiratory movements … Moist pleurisy

Causes | Inflammation of the costal pleura

Causes Inflammation of the pleura is not itself considered an independent disease. In most cases, the inflammatory processes occur in the course of other underlying diseases that affect the pleura. The main cause of inflammation of the pleura is pneumonia (technical term: pneumonia). In this disease, pronounced inflammatory processes occur within the lung tissue which … Causes | Inflammation of the costal pleura

Diagnosis | Inflammation of the costal pleura

Diagnosis The diagnosis of an inflammation of the pleura is performed in several steps. The first and most important step in the diagnosis of an inflammation of the pleura is a detailed discussion between doctor and patient (anamnesis). During this conversation, the affected patient should describe as precisely as possible which symptoms are present and … Diagnosis | Inflammation of the costal pleura

Prophylaxis | Inflammation of the costal pleura

Prophylaxis Since the inflammation of the pleura is in most cases a direct consequence of another disease, it is difficult to prevent the development of such inflammatory processes.However, patients suffering from a general immune deficiency can reduce the risk of developing an inflammation of the pleura by strengthening the immune system. Above all, a balanced … Prophylaxis | Inflammation of the costal pleura

Dry pleurisy

The pleura is the skin that lines the inside of the chest and lies on top of the lungs. Accordingly, it is in contact with the lungs and thorax, but also with the mediastinum – the space in the middle of the thorax where the heart is located – as well as the diaphragm and … Dry pleurisy

Diagnosis | Dry pleurisy

Diagnosis The diagnosis of dry pleurisy is more difficult than that of the exudative form with exudate formation. The combination of clinical symptoms and the result of auscultation is indicative. During auscultation, i.e. listening with a stethoscope, a characteristic sound can be heard in dry pleurisy, which is called pleural rubbing in technical terminology. Normally, … Diagnosis | Dry pleurisy

Treatment | Dry pleurisy

Treatment The treatment of an uncomplicated pleurisy is symptomatic. Pain therapy plays an important role in preventing the patient from breathing freely. Due to the shallowly ventilated lung, there is a high risk of bacterial colonization with subsequent pneumonia. In addition, the administration of oxygen through a nasal cannula can help to relieve the perceived … Treatment | Dry pleurisy