Causes of hiccups

Synonym Singultus Introduction Hiccups is a mostly harmless disease that affects many people. It often occurs suddenly and usually disappears on its own after a while. Therefore, it usually does not require a visit to the doctor. Only long-lasting hiccups that do not disappear on their own should be clarified by a doctor. Breathing works … Causes of hiccups

Caused by alcohol | Causes of hiccups

Caused by alcohol Alcohol is also a possible cause of hiccups. High-proof alcohol is often mixed with carbonated drinks such as cola or sprite and drunk together. The high level of carbonic acid causes the stomach to become over-inflated, which leads to irritation of the diaphragm and the associated phrenic nerve. As a consequence hiccups … Caused by alcohol | Causes of hiccups

What to do in case of hiccups?

Synonym Singultus Tips/help with hiccups Hiccups, or as it is called in medical terms: Singultus occurs when there is an irritation of the nervus phrenicus, which supplies the diaphragm sensitively and is attached to the left and right of the diaphragm. (see: Causes of hiccups) This irritation is usually caused when there is too much … What to do in case of hiccups?