Healthy oils

What do you understand by healthy oils? Healthy oils are oils that have a good composition for the human body, consisting of various fatty acids, vitamins, essential oils and possibly other secondary plant ingredients. The essential fatty acids are of particular importance here, i.e. fatty acids which the body cannot synthesize (produce) itself and which … Healthy oils

What is the difference between an oil and grease? | Healthy oils

What is the difference between an oil and grease? On a chemical level, fats and oils have a very similar structure. They are so-called long-chain esters. An ester is a compound of the trivalent alcohol glycerol and a long-chain carboxylic acid (also known as fatty acid). The fatty acids differ in the number of carbon … What is the difference between an oil and grease? | Healthy oils


Synonyms in the broadest sense Kilokalorie (kcal), Kalorie (cal), Joule (J), Kilojoule (KJ)The name calories is derived from the Latin name calor and means heat. Calories are a unit of measurement for the energy contained in food, which is supplied to the human body through nutrition. The actual unit is given in joules or kilojoules, … Calories

Why is the knowledge about calories for losing weight so important. | Calories

Why is the knowledge about calories for losing weight so important. To put it in a nutshell, the body must have a negative energy balance to lose weight. The percentage of calories consumed must be lower than the percentage that is burned. A deficit of 1000 to 2000 kilocalories per day can lead to the … Why is the knowledge about calories for losing weight so important. | Calories

Fats and Sport

Introduction Fats, lipids and fatty acids are probably the most controversial energy suppliers in our diet. On the one hand they are responsible for diseases of civilization such as overweight and high cholesterol levels, on the other hand they are vital components of our diet. The quality of the individual fats is determined by the … Fats and Sport