Consequences of overweight in old age | Consequences of overweight

Consequences of overweight in old age With increasing age overweight people usually suffer from various chronic diseases. They are then so-called multimorbid patients (people with several diseases) with a range of medications that they must take regularly. Quite a few overweight people suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipid levels (i.e. a metabolic … Consequences of overweight in old age | Consequences of overweight

Summary Overweight in children and adolescents

Food for children In the meantime, there is an increasing number of foods produced and advertised especially for children. However, there is no nutritional medical necessity for these products at any age, not even for small children. Their composition does not offer any advantage over conventional products and they are usually more expensive than these. … Summary Overweight in children and adolescents

Example of a balanced diet for 4 to 6 year old girls and boys | Summary Overweight in children and adolescents

Example of a balanced diet for 4 to 6 year old girls and boys Example of a balanced diet for 4 to 6-year-old girls and boys 1. Breakfast 50g cornflakes mixed with 80g apple cubes and 100ml fresh milk 200ml herbal tea Breakfast bread 1 slice of wholemeal bread spread with some margarine, 25g butter … Example of a balanced diet for 4 to 6 year old girls and boys | Summary Overweight in children and adolescents

Determination of body fat

With the help of body fat measuring devices (in the private sector mostly body scales) one can determine the body composition. This is about fat mass, fat-free mass and body water. Body fat exists in two storage depots: Vital (essential) fat Depot fat Vital (essential) fat This fat is stored in the organs such as … Determination of body fat

Overweight causes

Altered basal metabolic rate (BMR) Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy that the body of a relaxed lying person needs 12 hours after the last food intake at a constant room temperature of 20 degrees per day. This amount of energy is necessary for the organs to work, the metabolism to function and … Overweight causes

Service turnover | Overweight causes

Service turnover The activity metabolic rate is the amount of calories consumed by exercise and work in addition to the basal metabolic rate. It depends on physical activity and varies greatly from person to person. To estimate the total energy consumption, multiply the resting energy consumption by 1.6 for men and by 1.5 for women … Service turnover | Overweight causes

Social Status | Overweight causes

Social Status In the MONICA PROJECT it was proven that social status in Germany has similar effects on weight as in other industrialized countries. The lower the social class, the higher the weight. This trend is particularly evident among women; those with a secondary modern school leaving certificate were 4 times more likely to be … Social Status | Overweight causes

Frequency (Epidemiology) | Overweight and psychology

Frequency (Epidemiology) Occurrence in the populationEtwa every 5th adult and every 20th young person in Germany suffers from obesity (overweight) requiring treatment. The probability of becoming overweight clearly increases with age. Especially women are at risk with increasing age. In addition to determining the BMI (Body Mass Index) and the distribution of fat, medical laboratory … Frequency (Epidemiology) | Overweight and psychology