3. potatoes, noodles and rice | Meal and food planning for overweight children and adolescents

3. potatoes, noodles and rice Supplements are not side dishes within a healthy diet, but are the main components of a warm meal. They consist primarily of carbohydrates in the form of starch. Potatoes are very rich in nutrients and contain vegetable protein, potassium, vitamin C. Freshly cooked potatoes in low-fat preparation are the ideal … 3. potatoes, noodles and rice | Meal and food planning for overweight children and adolescents

Endocrine causes | Overweight in children

Endocrine causes Endocrine (endocrine system) causes include in particular Cushing’s syndrome (including full moon face, truncal obesity) with disturbed function of the adrenal cortex. An increased cortisol production is present. This can be congenital or acquired. Drugs (for example, long-term use of cortisone preparations) can trigger Cushing’s syndrome. Other endocrine causes could be hypothyroidism or … Endocrine causes | Overweight in children

Biological factors/energy balance | Overweight in children

Biological factors/energy balance So far it could not be clarified clearly whether normal-weight children differ from the overweight children in the energy utilization related to the basal metabolic rate. So far available studies are concerned with already overweight children and do not permit conclusions on the development of overweight. Stress and emotional state Eating is … Biological factors/energy balance | Overweight in children

Critical phases for the development of overweight | Overweight in children

Critical phases for the development of overweight Furthermore it can be distinguished whether the overweight occurred early (“child-houd-onset obesity“) or late (“maturity/adult-onset obesity”). Basically, three critical phases can be identified in the development of childhood obesity: First year of life Between five and seven years (“adiposity rebound”) Puberty/Youth Age Medical consequences and health effects Overweight … Critical phases for the development of overweight | Overweight in children

Overweight in children

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in overweight among children and adolescents. Overweight is the most common nutritional disorder among children in industrialized countries. Studies of primary school children in grades 1- 4 showed a rate of 12 percent of severely overweight children. According to the results of the MONICA project of … Overweight in children

2. meat and meat products | Nutrition for overweight children and adolescents

2. meat and meat products 2. meat and meat products Meat provides high-quality protein, zinc, niacin and iron. The iron in meat is easily digestible by the body, but this does not mean that children have to eat meat every day. Two to three portions per week are enough. Wholemeal products contain iron and in … 2. meat and meat products | Nutrition for overweight children and adolescents

Nutrition for overweight children and adolescents

They are essential in a healthy diet for children and provide important nutrients such as high-quality protein and calcium for growth and bone formation. Children and young people, just like adults, currently eat too much fat, especially in the form of saturated fatty acids. Therefore low-fat milk and dairy products should be preferred. Instead of … Nutrition for overweight children and adolescents

Consequences of overweight

Introduction The number of overweight people in Germany and in industrialized countries in general is constantly increasing. Not only the number of overweight people is increasing, but also the level of obesity. One speaks of overweight from a body mass index (BMI) of over 25, and from a BMI of over 30 one speaks of … Consequences of overweight

Consequences of overweight in children and adolescents | Consequences of overweight

Consequences of overweight in children and adolescents About 15% of all children are overweight. The more overweight children are, the more likely it is that the obesity will persist into adulthood. This also depends on whether the parents are also affected by overweight. Overweight children have a significantly increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus type … Consequences of overweight in children and adolescents | Consequences of overweight