Are there any tests or measuring devices to determine ovulation? | Recognize the ovulation itself

Are there any tests or measuring devices to determine ovulation? In the meantime, some tools have been developed to determine the time of ovulation and thus its fertile days. First of all, there are conventional apps that calculate the cycle by manually entering his regularly measured basal body temperature (body temperature at rest before getting … Are there any tests or measuring devices to determine ovulation? | Recognize the ovulation itself

Is it possible to detect ovulation despite breastfeeding? | Recognize the ovulation itself

Is it possible to detect ovulation despite breastfeeding? During breastfeeding, ovulation is normally prevented by the hormone prolactin, which is released during milk production. This infertile period can last from months to rarely years and usually ends when the mother stops breastfeeding. However, even the slightest irregularity in the frequency of breastfeeding can affect a … Is it possible to detect ovulation despite breastfeeding? | Recognize the ovulation itself


Definition The term gynecomastia refers to the occurrence of, usually benign, enlargement of the mammary gland in men. In general, gynecomastia is not an independent clinical picture. This enlargement of the mammary glands in men is rather a possible accompanying symptom of various systemic diseases. In addition, an increase in volume of the male breast … Gynecomastia

What medications cause gynecomastia? | Gynecomastia

What medications cause gynecomastia? The intake of drugs that influence the hormone balance can lead to the formation of gynecomastia.Active ingredients that inhibit male hormones, as used in the treatment of testicular cancer or prostate tumors, or a therapy with female hormones stimulate breast growth. However, other medications can also lead to the formation of … What medications cause gynecomastia? | Gynecomastia


Definition Fetus or also fetus means translated “descendant”. A fetus is an unborn child in the womb. After fertilization, the developing child is called an embryo. When the internal organs are developed, the official term is then fetus. The foetal period begins from the 9th week of pregnancy and ends with birth. After birth, the … Fetus

What can you do yourself to trigger ovulation naturally? | How can you trigger ovulation?

What can you do yourself to trigger ovulation naturally? Besides medicines and herbal remedies, you can also take measures yourself which can at least make the cycle more regular. Once you have a regular cycle, you can determine the time of ovulation relatively precisely using the calendar method or by measuring the basal body temperature … What can you do yourself to trigger ovulation naturally? | How can you trigger ovulation?

Which home remedies can be used as a support? | How can you trigger ovulation?

Which home remedies can be used as a support? A tea made from tear grass seeds can help trigger ovulation. The effect is scientifically but not yet proven. Furthermore, a tea mixture of raspberry leaves, sage, rosemary, mugwort and elderflower can have a supporting effect. Homeopathy Most homeopathic preparations are said to help with cycle … Which home remedies can be used as a support? | How can you trigger ovulation?

Cervical pain

Definition Cervical pain is an unpleasant sensation in the area of the uterus which, anatomically speaking, extends into the upper part of the vagina and merges into the cervix. The cervix serves to close and protect the uterus. It can be painful and malfunctioning, as potentially any part of the body. Often the pain is … Cervical pain