Testicular Torsion: Complications

The following are the most important diseases or complications that can be caused by testicular torsion (testicular torsion):

Genitourinary system (kidneys, urinary tract-genital organs) (N00-N99).

  • Testicular atrophy (abnormally reduced testis).
  • Reduced sperm quality after unilateral (one-sided) testicular torsion in adolescence (phase of life marking the transition from childhood to adulthood); endocrine (hormone) function is unaffected
  • Loss of the testis

Prognostic factors

  • Reliable predictors of testicular atrophy (when contralateral testes are compared) are:
    • Pain > 12 hours
    • Heterogeneity of the testicular parenchyma (testicular tissue) determined sonographically preoperatively.
    • Redness of the scrotum (scrotum).