Symptoms of eye herpes

Synonyms Herpes simplex corneae, herpes simplex keratitis, herpetic keratitisThe herpes on the eye is called herpes corneae in the technical language. This is usually understood to be an infection of the eye with the herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. The herpes simplex virus in general migrates retrogradely (regressing) after first contact along … Symptoms of eye herpes

Period of application | Eye drops for conjunctivitis

Period of application When using eye drops, the instructions of the ophthalmologist should be followed, if available. In the case of non-prescription preparations it is advisable to read the package leaflet in this regard and, if necessary, ask the pharmacist. It is important to note that eye drops containing a vasoconstrictive substance should only be … Period of application | Eye drops for conjunctivitis


Synonyms in a broader sense Conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis English: conjunctivitis, pinkeye Definition (conjunctiva = conjunctiva of the eye; -itis = inflammation) Inflammation of the conjunctiva is one of the most common diseases of the eye. The eye itches, is red and releases secretions. It can be triggered by bacteria, viruses, an allergy or external stimuli such … Conjunctivitis


Synonyms Greek: trachôma, trachus – “rough”, English : trachoma conjunctivitis trachomatosa, trachomatous inclusion conjunctivitis, Egyptian eye inflammation, granular disease of the conjunctiva Definition Trachoma Trachoma is a chronic conjunctivitis caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, which often leads to blindness. How common is trachoma? Trachoma is very rare in Europe and is notifiable here. In … Trachoma

How is trachoma treated? | Trachoma

How is trachoma treated? Systemic or local, intracellularly effective antibiotics are used to treat trachoma. The WHO recommends local therapy with tetracyclines. Therapy with azithromycin is also possible, but is more expensive. In the scar stage, surgery should be performed to remove the entropion and trichiasis. Surgical restoration of the cornea (keratoplasty) has little chance … How is trachoma treated? | Trachoma