Back pain in the middle back

Pain in the middle back is generally defined as all pain that is located in the area of the flanks, i.e. the lower ribs on the back. These pains in the middle back are a growing burden on more and more patients and can have different origins. In most cases, the cause is found quickly … Back pain in the middle back

Causes of back pain

Introduction Back pain can have many causes. We would like to discuss many possible causes in our following topic. Possible causes of lumbar back pain If you are looking for a cause of back pain, you will quickly come across a very long list. In general, a distinction is made between organic (physical) and psychosomatic … Causes of back pain

Ignition | Causes of back pain

Ignition Inflammations in the respective areas of the back can also be the cause of underlying back pain. The cause of such an inflammation is usually based on bacterial pus foci (= abscesses) in the area of the nerve roots and the spinal cord. In addition, purulent changes in the area of the spinal column … Ignition | Causes of back pain

Sequence of a CT-guided pain therapy | CT-guided pain therapy

Sequence of a CT-guided pain therapy If a referral for CT-guided pain therapy has been made to an appropriately equipped practice or clinic, an informative discussion with the doctor is first held there before the first treatment. The patient then lies down on the computer tomography table for the therapy. Treatment of the lumbar spine … Sequence of a CT-guided pain therapy | CT-guided pain therapy

Side effects of CT-guided pain therapy | CT-guided pain therapy

Side effects of CT-guided pain therapy If there are side effects due to CT-guided pain therapy, these are usually harmless and temporary. The frequently administered cortisone can cause headaches, an increase in blood pressure and blood sugar and/or reddening of the face. Further side effects of cortisone such as weight gain and fat deposition are … Side effects of CT-guided pain therapy | CT-guided pain therapy

Background | Periradicular Infiltration Therapy

Background In periradicular therapy (PRT), painkilling and anti-inflammatory drugs (anesthetic/cortisone mixture) are administered to the painful nerve root with millimeter precision under computer tomographic (see CT) or radiological position control. A cortisone syringe is usually used for this purpose. Orientation wire on the back surface Infiltration planning: depth and lateral distance to the orientation wire … Background | Periradicular Infiltration Therapy

Complications | Periradicular Infiltration Therapy

Complications Periradicular therapy can lead to various complications, which must be differentiated into drug-induced complications and complications caused by the technique. Since a contrast medium must be applied to precisely localize the injection site, incompatibilities may occur. These manifest themselves as an allergic reaction and can range from reddening of the skin, nausea and dizziness … Complications | Periradicular Infiltration Therapy