Therapy of a trapped nerve | Pinched nerve on the chest

Therapy of a trapped nerve The treatment of a trapped nerve in the thoracic spine has different approaches. If one assumes that a displaced vertebral body is the cause of the entrapment, the vertebral body should be repositioned. This is often performed by osteopaths or chiropractors. A jerky dislocation releases the blockage in the vertebral … Therapy of a trapped nerve | Pinched nerve on the chest

Pseudoradicular back pain | Causes of lumboischialgia

Pseudoradicular back pain Pseudoradicular pain is a separate cause from lumboischialgia. This is a fake nerve root pain that can be caused by various diseases. Pseudoradicular back pain also radiates into the leg, but never reaches the foot and cannot be attributed to a nerve root. The following diseases can cause pseudoradicular back pain: Facet … Pseudoradicular back pain | Causes of lumboischialgia

Therapy of a lumboischialgia

Lumboischialgia can be treated both conservatively and surgically. Conservative therapy is preferred to surgical treatment as long as no neurological deficits or paralysis occur. The conservative therapy of lumboischialgia is based on a multimodal therapy concept. This means that the therapy consists of different starting points and includes different approaches. These include the Drug therapy … Therapy of a lumboischialgia

You can recognize a pinched nerve by these symptoms

Introduction Pain that originates in the back and can be accompanied by tingling and numbness is often caused by a pinched nerve. Despite the sometimes pronounced symptoms, this is usually a harmless disease that is best treated by taking painkillers for a short time and moving around as much as possible. Resting postures and passive … You can recognize a pinched nerve by these symptoms

Differences to a slipped disc | You can recognize a pinched nerve by these symptoms

Differences to a slipped disc The discomfort caused by a trapped nerve can partly resemble the symptoms caused by a herniated disc. Both clinical pictures can cause back pain and discomfort as well as pain radiating into a leg or arm. However, the herniated disc can also lead to failure symptoms such as weakness of … Differences to a slipped disc | You can recognize a pinched nerve by these symptoms

Symptoms of an entrapped ulnar nerve | You can recognize a pinched nerve by these symptoms

Symptoms of an entrapped ulnar nerve The ulnar nerve is one of three nerves that supply the hand and arm. The special thing about this nerve is that it is sometimes quite superficial and can therefore be easily irritated. In the area of the elbow it runs through a narrow bony groove directly under the … Symptoms of an entrapped ulnar nerve | You can recognize a pinched nerve by these symptoms