Blood Work: What your Blood Values Mean

Small and large blood counts are commonly performed tests – but for patients, the results are often a mystery. What does it mean when the leukocyte count is elevated? And what do abbreviations such as mcv, mch or mchc stand for? We explain step by step what is behind the abbreviations in the blood count and what causes an elevated or too low blood value can have. With our help, you can easily read your blood count yourself.

Small blood count and large blood count

A blood count is performed in a variety of situations, such as during a routine checkup with your primary care physician, when an infection is suspected, or before surgery. Depending on the situation, either a small or a large blood count is performed. A large blood count consists of a small blood count and a differential blood count. In a small blood count, the concentration of blood cells – red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes) – is determined. In addition, the concentration of red blood pigment (hemoglobin) and the hematocrit value are measured. This indicates the proportion of blood cells in the total blood and thus says something about how viscous the blood is. A few milliliters of whole blood are sufficient for a small blood count. For a large blood count, additional blood values are determined. The differential blood count, which is performed in addition to the small blood count, provides more detailed information about the different types of white blood cells. So, unlike the small blood count, this does not just give the total leukocyte count. Understanding laboratory values: A check of the most important abbreviations

Reading the small blood count correctly

The following overview provides you with an overview of the standard values in a small blood test:

Men Women
Red blood cells (RBC or ERY) 4.8 – 5.9 million/µl 4.3 – 5.2 million/µl
Leukocytes (WBC or LEUK) 4 – 10 thousand/µl 4 – 10 thousand/µl
Platelets (PLT or THRO) 150 – 400 thousand/µl 150 – 400 thousand/µl
Hemoglobin (HGB or HG) 14 – 18g/dl 12 – 16g/dl
Hematocrit (HCT or HKT) 40 – 52% 37 – 45%

Abnormalities in the small blood count

Blood test values that are too high or too low can indicate a medical condition. However, an elevated or too low blood value alone does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with you. In the following, we have listed the most common causes of too low or too high values in the small blood count. If you have any abnormalities, however, you should always talk to your doctor about them.

Red blood cell count

Erythrocytes are important for the transport of oxygen, but also for carbon dioxide in the body. They contain the blood pigment hemoglobin, which binds oxygen to itself.


Leukocytes are very important for our body’s defenses. Namely, they protect the body from pathogens.


Platelets play an important role in blood clotting, therefore an increased or decreased value usually indicates impaired blood clotting.

Platelet level can also be low after increased consumption of platelets.This is the case, for example, with allergies, after infections, with an enlargement of the spleen or uncontrolled blood clotting.


The red blood pigment hemoglobin is responsible for binding oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

In connection with hemoglobin, the following values also play a role:

  • MCV: Indicates the average volume of an erythrocyte (MCV = hematocrit / erythrocyte count).
  • MCH: Indicates the average amount of hemoglobin per erythrocyte (MCH = hemoglobin amount / erythrocyte number).
  • MCHC: Indicates the concentration of hemoglobin within the erythrocytes (MCHC = hemoglobin concentration in the blood / hematocrit).


The hematocrit value indicates the ratio between solid and liquid blood components. The higher the value, the more viscous the blood and the easier it is for blood clots to form. An elevated value is thus associated with an increased risk of stroke or heart attack, as well as other heart diseases or diabetes mellitus.

  • Value too high: dehydration, increased multiplication of erythrocytes (polyglobulia).
  • Value too low: anemia, blood loss, overhydration.