U5 Examination

What is the U5? The U5 examination is one of the early detection examinations in childhood and adolescence. It is performed between the sixth and seventh month of life. During this period, the interaction between parents and child increases steadily. The doctor checks the physical and mental development and dexterity of the child and makes … U5 Examination

What is the process of the U5? | U5 Examination

What is the process of the U5? The procedure of the U5 examination is clearly structured so that no essential examination for a comprehensive assessment of the child’s stage of development is forgotten. First, the attending pediatrician conducts a detailed conversation with the parents about the child’s current stage of development, eating and sleeping behavior, … What is the process of the U5? | U5 Examination

What happens if I take my child to the U5? | U5 Examination

What happens if I take my child to the U5? When you take your child to the pediatrician for a U5 examination, in addition to a detailed discussion with the parents about the child’s developmental status, great importance is attached to an extensive physical examination. In addition, important body measurements such as weight, height and … What happens if I take my child to the U5? | U5 Examination

Reflexes of a baby

Definition When a child is born, it is already equipped with a number of innate reflexes that are intended to ensure survival, especially in infancy. They serve as a natural protective function to maintain vital bodily functions. Some of these reflexes disappear again in the course of the first months of life and others remain … Reflexes of a baby

U1 Examination

Preventive child examinations or early detection examinations U1 to U11 (also known as U examination) have been legally introduced in Germany since 1976 and serve the purpose of prevention (illness prevention). This is based on the early detection of disorders of physical, mental or social development in age-dependent developmental phases, so that they can be … U1 Examination

U3 Examination

What is the U3? The U3 is the third preventive examination in childhood in which the child’s developmental stage is assessed and attention is paid to certain diseases. The examination is also an opportunity for parents to ask questions and obtain additional information about caring for their baby. The results are recorded in the yellow … U3 Examination

Procedure of the examination | U3 Examination

Procedure of the examination Preventive medical checkups usually follow a certain pattern, but this varies slightly from doctor to doctor. In most cases, an examination starts with a conversation in which the pediatrician asks the parents if they have noticed anything unusual or if they have other questions. Then the pediatrician contacts the child and … Procedure of the examination | U3 Examination

U6 Examination

What is the U6? The U6 examination is the sixth preventive examination in childhood. It is often referred to as a one-year examination, as it is usually performed by the pediatrician at the age of 10 – 12 months. In addition to the general basic health examination, the main focus is on the examination and … U6 Examination