Persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASS)

Synonyms Pain disorder, psychalgia English term: pain disorder, somatoform pain disorderA persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASD) is a disorder characterized by persistent severe pain without somatic (physical) cause, so that psychological causes are regarded as triggers (emotional conflicts, psychosocial problems). A variety of causes can cause a persistent somatoform pain disorder. Accordingly, it is less … Persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASS)

Can you imagine pain?

Introduction There are pains that cannot be completely attributed to organic causes. These pains are often wrongly dismissed as pure “imagination”. If people experience physical symptoms that cannot be explained even after extensive diagnostics, this is called a somatic disorder. Diseases of this nature have been officially recognized since 1980 and require psychosomatic clarification and … Can you imagine pain?

What can you do if you imagine pain? | Can you imagine pain?

What can you do if you imagine pain? Since the cause of an “imaginary” pain is suspected to be in the mental area, a possible therapy should also be applied here. Psychotherapy is therefore the recommended therapy for psychosomatic pain. Such a therapy works with many different methods and usually focuses on the examination of … What can you do if you imagine pain? | Can you imagine pain?