Patients not requiring care at home | Postoperative care

Patients not requiring care at home Behaviour at home after an operation depends very much on the procedure. Nevertheless, there are some general basic rules of personal hygiene or wound care to be observed. Instructions on behavior are often provided by the wards in written form as leaflets for the patients and are also explained … Patients not requiring care at home | Postoperative care

Scar fracture

What is a scar fracture A scar hernia, also called scar hernia in the technical jargon, is a breakthrough at an operation scar. The scar hernia most often occurs in the middle abdominal area after an operation there and should be treated surgically in the course of the operation. A scar hernia is one of … Scar fracture

Soft tissue injuries

A soft tissue injury is an injury caused by the use of force. Soft tissues include tissues that protect the bone and surrounding tissue, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, subcutaneous tissue, fatty tissue, including vascular and nerve tissue. Statistically, injuries to the Achilles tendon, patellar tendon or biceps tendon are the most common. Soft-tissue … Soft tissue injuries

Cause | Soft tissue injuries

Cause Soft-tissue injuries are often caused by falls, direct or indirect violence. Soft tissue injuries often occur in sports injuries as well. Serious soft tissue injuries can occur in traffic accidents or falls from great heights. Diagnostics During diagnostics, a thorough examination (inspection) of the wound is important so that nothing is overlooked. Attention should … Cause | Soft tissue injuries