Tea tree oil | Gum inflammation during pregnancy

Tea tree oil

Treatment for gingivitis during pregnancy is not recommended in order to avoid possible anaesthetic injections and surgical procedures. Homeopathic globules are suitable to prevent or fight the inflammation. For example Mercurius solubilis.

It is recommended to take 5 globules 3 times a day for 8-10 days. It helps against swollen gums that bleed quickly. The advantage of homeopathic remedies is that they do not have side effects that could harm mother or child.

Duration of the inflammation

If the gingivitis is only caused by pregnancy, it should also be receded with the birth. The problem with the inflammation is the altered hormone balance. Although the estrogen level does drop after childbirth, it does not drop directly and not fast enough for the inflammation to subside within days.

In some women this inflammation only exists at the beginning of pregnancy. If you get it under control during this time, it will disappear again quickly. However, if it is not treated or if the appropriate hygiene is lacking, it can be spread until after the pregnancy. Breastfeeding after birth increases the healing of wounds, so the gums heal better and faster.

Does inflamed gums indicate pregnancy?

Since gum problems occur mainly in the first three months of pregnancy, the first sign of pregnancy may be gingivitis. For example, if you have never had gum problems before and suddenly the symptoms of inflammation appear, it may be that hormones are responsible. Otherwise, however, hormone changes may occur in the same way.

Together with stress and changes in the life situation, the hormone balance also changes. Therefore, spontaneously occurring gingivitis cannot be considered a safe sign of pregnancy.